
Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013

  • Known Will for 40 years, worked for him 8 yrs
  • Jada saw Will as a “lick”
  • Will was buying Jada all kind of stuff and using his status to get her roles
  • He has received death threats for his book
-He doesn’t eff with Jada lol
  • Will stays because she knows things he doesn’t want out
  • The downfall of his friendship with Will is because of Jada
  • Will was an angelic giving person before Jada
  • Jada is demonic and if she doesn’t like someone they are gotten rid of
  • He overheard an argument between Will and Jada.. couldn’t believe what he heard. Went to check on Will and got cussed out lol
  • Doesn’t know who Will is anymore.. says he believes Will is on drugs in some of his interviews with Jada
  • Relationship has been unraveling for years but they spend millions on PR
  • Jada is broken, opinionated, and dominate. She’s hurting people trying to put herself together
  • They both just want to be loved
  • Thinks the slap set black people back 50 years
  • Thinks Will was trying to win Jada back by risking it all at the Oscars. Because everyone knows it’s an award he worked 30 years for.
  • He hired investigators and lawyers to help people around Will & Jada break their NDA’s
  • The secrets he’s exposing about them are not just from his perspective and it’s deep and demonic. And he has receipts in the book.
  • They tried to blackball him & he’s moving to Saudi Arabia
  • Hopes Will gives her the money & gets back on track
  • People around Will were upset that Will talked about him in his book
  • Will has to be held accountable for the things he’s done not just Jada

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016

  • Known Will for 40 years, worked for him 8 yrs
  • Jada saw Will as a “lick
  • Will was buying Jada all kind of stuff and using his status to get her roles
  • He has received death threats for his book
-He doesn’t eff with Jada lol
  • Will stays because she knows things he doesn’t want out
  • The downfall of his friendship with Will is because of Jada
  • Will was an angelic giving person before Jada
  • Jada is demonic and if she doesn’t like someone they are gotten rid of
  • He overheard an argument between Will and Jada.. couldn’t believe what he heard. Went to check on Will and got cussed out lol
  • Doesn’t know who Will is anymore.. says he believes Will is on drugs in some of his interviews with Jada
  • Relationship has been unraveling for years but they spend millions on PR
  • Jada is broken, opinionated, and dominate. She’s hurting people trying to put herself together
  • They both just want to be loved
  • Thinks the slap set black people back 50 years
  • Thinks Will was trying to win Jada back by risking it all at the Oscars. Because everyone knows it’s an award he worked 30 years for.
  • He hired investigators and lawyers to help people around Will & Jada break their NDA’s
  • The secrets he’s exposing about them are not just from his perspective and it’s deep and demonic. And he has receipts in the book.
  • They tried to blackball him & he’s moving to Saudi Arabia
  • Hopes Will gives her the money & gets back on track
  • People around Will were upset that Will talked about him in his book
  • Will has to be held accountable for the things he’s done not just Jada

So he’s getting Brendan Fraser’d right now.


Mar 11, 2022
Her book is like #3 on NYT bestseller list, no? I don’t think she flopped, but isn’t doing as well as expected


Born To Mack
Nov 5, 2013

Cliff notes:
  1. Jada was ran through by men in Baltimore, then came to Hollywood and was ran through by men in Hollywood
  2. Will had a xesual relationship with Benny Bedina, Bial says he saw Will kiss Benny on the lips
  3. Bilal said Will had a gay pδrn addiction preparing for six degrees of separation
  4. Jada would force Bilal and others in the circle to put percocet prescriptions in their name for her
  5. Bilal and Tasha spoke about the fact that Bilal gave Tasha photographic evidence regarding Will being gay before they started the interview
  6. Bilal said he was forced by Will to work on All of Us to watch Duane Martin who was cheating with Lisa Raye's husband and Will was jealous
  7. Brother Bilal admits to seeing Lisa Raye ex husband and Duane going out with beautiful women
  8. Says Will took good care of Duane financially
  9. Said after catching Will and Duane that Will threatened Bilal and hinted at the murdered trans woman Eddie Murphy had killed
  10. Bilal got scared and disappeared after the threat from Will. Later Jada tried to get them two together again to make up at a SCIENTOLOGY celebrity center
  11. In Will's book Will praises Bilal for being his friend and helping him in Africa while filming Ali and then Men in Black
  12. The friendship ended when they tried to get Bilal to promote the book and do celeb gift boxes but then once Bilal paid for the work they backed out the deal and he lost clients and says Will had a lawyer try to kill the story to pay Bilal off
  13. Duane Martin called Bilal and told him that after slapping Chris Rock that Will had his 2Pac moment
  14. Says that Jada is out of control and Jada tries to purposely demean Will. Bilal tried to tell Will about Jada and Will cussed him out!
  15. Says Jada was sleeping with Marc Anthony on set and in their home
  16. Jlo was supposed to do A Low Down Dirty Shame, but Jada took the role from Jlo a decade later took Jlos man
  17. Says Jada and Will tried to sleep with Diddy and Jlo when they were together, but Jlo has never realy been feeling Jada since she stole A Low Down Dirty Shame
  18. Talks about Duane beating Tisha and actually saw Duane beat her once
  19. Also upset at how Will and Jada played Tisha

Bilal has a ton of evidence and will include it in his book including screenshots and videos to back up all his claims


Nov 26, 2016

Cliff notes:
  1. Jada was ran through by men in Baltimore, then came to Hollywood and was ran through by men in Hollywood
  2. Will had a xesual relationship with Benny Bedina, Bial says he saw Will kiss Benny on the lips
  3. Bilal said Will had a gay pδrn addiction preparing for six degrees of separation
  4. Jada would force Bilal and others in the circle to put percocet prescriptions in their name for her
  5. Bilal and Tasha spoke about the fact that Bilal gave Tasha photographic evidence regarding Will being gay before they started the interview
  6. Bilal said he was forced by Will to work on All of Us to watch Duane Martin who was cheating with Lisa Raye's husband and Will was jealous
  7. Brother Bilal admits to seeing Lisa Raye ex husband and Duane going out with beautiful women
  8. Says Will took good care of Duane financially
  9. Said after catching Will and Duane that Will threatened Bilal and hinted at the murdered trans woman Eddie Murphy had killed
  10. Bilal got scared and disappeared after the threat from Will. Later Jada tried to get them two together again to make up at a SCIENTOLOGY celebrity center
  11. In Will's book Will praises Bilal for being his friend and helping him in Africa while filming Ali and then Men in Black
  12. The friendship ended when they tried to get Bilal to promote the book and do celeb gift boxes but then once Bilal paid for the work they backed out the deal and he lost clients and says Will had a lawyer try to kill the story to pay Bilal off
  13. Duane Martin called Bilal and told him that after slapping Chris Rock that Will had his 2Pac moment
  14. Says that Jada is out of control and Jada tries to purposely demean Will. Bilal tried to tell Will about Jada and Will cussed him out!
  15. Says Jada was sleeping with Marc Anthony on set and in their home
  16. Jlo was supposed to do A Low Down Dirty Shame, but Jada took the role from Jlo a decade later took Jlos man
  17. Says Jada and Will tried to sleep with Diddy and Jlo when they were together, but Jlo has never realy been feeling Jada since she stole A Low Down Dirty Shame
  18. Talks about Duane beating Tisha and actually saw Duane beat her once
  19. Also upset at how Will and Jada played Tisha

Bilal has a ton of evidence and will include it in his book including screenshots and videos to back up all his claims
