My point is, it's normal for a mother and grandmother to instruct the younger women in a family how to shave, wash or wipe themselves what's so far fetch in them going to a place together to get waxed.
What you think happens when women go as a group to get waxed. They're all skin out together on a couch like a porno gang bang? You think it's weird cause you're kinda weird, most women got taken to their first waxing with their mother. These are normal things.
Not all women are the same breh.
To some women this is as normal as shopping together.
I showed this to my wife and she said she couldn't even envision doing vaginal steaming session with her mom and grandma
I dont think that makes my wife weird.
I dont think the women in your family are weird.
They were just raised differently, that's all
Its clear that Willow and Jada have more of a mom/friend relationship.
That's not common in some households