jada needs some acting work
I don’t know bruh. Maybe your girl goes out with your daughter and mother-in-law to get their vaginas waxed or something, but that seems a little weird to me.nikka they ain’t waxing each other. How is that weird
That shyt is weird too. What type of chicks you be around lol?
Women are supposed to do that with their homegirls or alone, not with 2 other generations of women in their family.
Duh. That doesn’t mean they go out together on a trip to get waxed. Do the women in your family do that?women in a family learn to take care of their privates from their mothers and grand mothers. What are you even talking about
The warm scent of three generations wafting through the air like fresh apple pieya I’m not mad at it one bit lmaooo
ReppedSteamed Clams??
“No no...I said Steamed Hams.”
And you call them “steamed” despite the fact that they are obviously grilled?
“Uh...yes, it’s just a regional term.”
What region?
“Upstate New York...”
Well I’m from Utica, and I’ve never of this.
“It’s really more of an Albany expression.”
GOOD GOD, what’s happening here?!?
“Um...Aurora Borealis.”
This time of this part of the country...between Jada Pinkett’s thighs?
May I see?