Even if Pac wasnt wild I think Will woulda still felt a type of way. Be real, if your girl was as cool with a dude as Jada was with Pac, you would want her to distance herself too.
yeah ,he did end up wifing her,aint like she distanced herself for some random nikka

?plus a woman has no place around men during war time
movie wasnt that bad,and i still dont see how they portrayed her relationship that horribly....yalls relationship was complex you say,well we only got 2 hours,i think they showed a nice friendship....I didnt have a problem until LT came out trying to explain he portrayed the relationship as he thought Pac would want it to be

?and the trailers was trying to exploit they friendship like it was a romance lowkey....but the movie didnt do that imo.
maybe shes mad more people are on social media assuming Pac got in them guts,and assuming it was a romantic relationship.....not sure if she was aware,but people have been assuming that for 20 years now,unforutantley not that many people saw the movie where it will make a huge difference
sorry but men dont understand Pac not fukking you,and women dont understand you not fukking Pac,she will have to just live with it.