Green Ranger
I Am Legend
They had the announcers say Oo Swagger contract is up in passing like they didn't ever care. Hell Mick/Steph didn't even give enough of a damm to try and keep him on there brand. The little things like this they don't even care to do anymore. Why would Mick/Steph draft someone but then not redo there contract.That promo was really bad. he brought over the same silence from his match with Jinder Mahal. The obvious, logical thing to do would have been to take him off tv for awhile, give him a new theme/attire/haircut, THEN re-debut him on SD. I ain't taking a dude seriously right off the bat who's been an unmotivated loser for like 3 years now. I mean, I do trust SD's writing team, but I loathe Swagger so much I don't even have the patience to entertain him and wait for him to possibly get over again.
I no its Swagger so 99.9 percent of people don't care but it would of made sense to have a contract war between the two brand to at least show no matter how high or low on the roster you are we will fight each other to keep are talent. If your going to send Sawgger to Smackdown then your right give him an new attitude look theme and complete make over and wait to debut him shyt is stupid to me to just have him On Smackdown the next night.