!st day download when it leaks...this actually looks fun and funny...plus its rated R
J-Lo be white washed the fukk out in her movies
If i didnt remember her last name was Lopez, i wouldnt know this bytch was Latino at all
*Plays trailer* *Sees ratings screen* *Sees "nudity"* *Stops the trailer*
Husband would have been like "Movie looks terrible. How the hell can you drop that many sexual innuendo puns and nobody catches on though?
By the 2nd or 3rd time he said something like"I love her cookies" the husband or son or somebody should've been
just peeped the trailer
i'm there opening weekend for this awful flick
i've endured a lot of awful j lo movies in my life and my girl is a huge jlo fan.. so i'm in and hopin she shows us something. she hasn't since U-turn in like 97
jlo wrapping her legs around dude was great material for my teenager yearsU-turn still has mewhen I watch it. Sean Penn's character is the worst luck, most fukked over character in movie history.
jlo wrapping her legs around dude was great material for my teenager years
i started having hoes simulate it years later