soon as she stepped outta prison they popped her ass
I see Rosie Perez being a better fit. But. It's Jlo's company of course she is gonna cast herself.
I can't see a Puerto Rican playing a Colombian. It's just two totally different dynamics. Colombians are just like Mexicans where they view anyone who isn't them, like trash. She's gonna get shytted on before the trailer even comes out.
The only non-murdered man who either dated or married a notorious killer is warning HBO -- trash talk him in the biopic starring Jennifer Lopez and he's suing your asses.
First, the backstory ... Charles Cosby infamously dated Griselda Blanco -- a Colombian drug lord dubbed the Cocaine Godmother who's tied to hundreds of murders, including the deaths of every man she ever dated, except Cosby. J Lo's playing Blanco for HBO.
Cosby wants NOTHING to do with the film ... telling TMZ there better be no references to him ... or else.
What's more ... Cosby -- who narrated a documentary about Blanco's life, "Cocaine Cowboys 2" -- says he's no Jennifer fan ... calling her unconvincing with no street cred.
And Cosby's got his own Griselda project ... a movie he's producing called, "Hustle."
Breh she was the plug of plugs, Cosby was getting the purest Colombian work for knocking her down while she was locked up. fukk the bullshyt, that's basically an Oprah-level comeup.
He had side hoes on the outside anyway
Her acting skills are fine, but she looks nothing like that lady. They should've gotten someone who looked more like her. I was going to say that they could've gotten the lady who played Selena's killer in Selena with Jlo to play this lady, but I googled her and she died a few years ago. They act like there's something wrong with doing a movie with new actors/actesses. Every movie doesn't need someone with a name in it to be successful. Using no names makes it more believable anyway.
You pop up outta nowhereHere for thid.
You pop up outta nowhere
I was like who is this Hawaiian looking chick