You think so? Or the people who put the battery in his back were nowhere to be found after the fact.
son got played.
Read it again. I acknowledge son rolled the dice and lost.
I simply acknowledged him being able to admit his part in their conflict which is rare in Hiphop.
The latter part wasn’t about him, but about structural behavior we can clearly observe.
I was speaking on grown ass men that die on hills because their ego won’t allow them to admit they was wrong or had part in conflict.
A large amount of Black men don’t know conflict resolution.
There is more focus and value on:
“not looking soft”
“Standing on everything that was said”
“Keeping that same energy”
“Having your lick back”
Than admittance of wrongdoings on either side for conflicts to be able to be resolved.
We have countless examples of this being a structural issue behind generational and never ending conflict being common.