Bret and Shawn had heat when Shawn stole the ladder match from Bret for a major program.
plus in the original ladder match, which was viewable by coliseum video back then.
allegedly they developed the heat to create why they had an issue with one another.
it has been some time since I watched either the coliseum video to remember the exact details.
or even if hbk worked the coliseum ladder match with Bret originally.
yet supposedly Bret and hbk had heat as early as the first real ladder match.
which was an actual stampede original gimmick resolution style match.
which is also why Bret was pissed allegedly that hbk took the ladder match from him as well.
when it is in all actuality an original stampede device and product, originally.
not sure if this was in the mags/rags/dirtsheets but it was before the actual big time prevalence of what would be the iwc.
the details on the ladder match I found from an older Scott Keith coliseum video about the real wwf first ladder match that had Bret vs hbk.
of which you can see mid match Bret was light years better than hbk, as well.
art barr