As far as your post goes, to start, none of the things you consider solutions addresses any of the problems that i have pointed out in my OP. That aside, "Go to college, get a decent job, have kids and your kids will follow your example" You must either live in a box, be very young or are just extremely ignorant if you still are chanting this silly approach in this day and time. Do you not know anyone with a college degree? Not follow "the news"? College degrees are not gauranteed to get you a job. There are PLENTY of people, not just "black" that are having a hard time out here with their degrees. There are PLENTY of people out here who are finding out the hard way that the thousands of dollars of debt they acquired for their "educations" is not worth it.
I think what he was saying is college can help you. I'm not at all the college cheerleader but I do recognize that advanced degrees and post secondary education do more help than harm. It's a very competitive job market, very very competitive due to the fact that it's a global market. Are people having hard times with degrees? YES OF COURSE. Can they rebound? YES OF COURSE
His argument I think was if one guy gets a degree and marries a partner with a degree or some sort of advanced education, they will have a family which will be middle class. Its easier for a middle/upper class family to instill similar values into their children so their children will be middle - upper class. It's harder for a low income family to do the same, it can be done but it's far more challenging
ex: low income family has 2 kids, parents did not go college/post secondary education/trade/military, how are these kids going to know which rungs to climb, routes to go during the years in which they need to know (age 13-17)