Arab Muslims did all that and more. You should really read up on the history of the Arab slave trade.

Arab Muslims did all that and more. You should really read up on the history of the Arab slave trade.
yeaI believe the days of the creation story (supposedly 6) aren't the days we understand now. like not 6 24 hour days. Each day was probably spanning millions of years, whereby evolution was allowed to take a natural progression.
because they're lazy
Is there any proof for this?yea
the english translation of the arabic word is a misnomer
it doesnt mean 6 literal days
and the Quran doesnt contradict evolution or science no matter how hard atheists wish to say it does
I hope you guys find peace with one another. This fighting has gone for too long.
I really haven't seen real evidence of Muhammad being a pedo...would love to be enlightened on it...Djinn is evil spirits...evil spirits actually exists...ghosts actually exist....we are not fighting just a physical war there is a war for our eternal souls that we fight for daily....sounds crazy but I've experienced it my self![]()
proof of what?Is there any proof for this?
Muslims scholars do not believe in Young Earth creationism, a doctrine held to by a plurality of Americans since 1982 to the present.[3][4] Islamic views of the Bible vary. In recent years, a movement has begun to emerge in some Muslim countries promoting themes that have been characteristic of Christian creationists. This stance has received some criticism,[who?] due to claims that the Quran and Bible are incompatible.[5][6][7] Khalid Anees, of the Islamic Society of Britain, has discussed the relationship between Islam and evolution:[8]
"Islam also has its own school of Evolutionary creationism/Theistic evolutionism, which holds that mainstream scientific analysis of the origin of the universe is supported by the Quran. Many Muslims believe in evolutionary creationism, especially among Sunni and Shia Muslims and the Liberal movements within Islam. Among scholars of Islam İbrahim Hakkı of Erzurum who lived in Erzurum then Ottoman Empire now Republic of Turkey in the 18th century is famous for stating that 'between plants and animals there is sponge, and, between animals and humans there is monkey'."[9]
It's weird but 2 or 3 times I've had that experience that people talk about when they're in bed and they wake up and they see a dark figure in the room and they cant move...It always happens when I get really deep into studying and it's like that dark form pops up to discourage meI heard that his wife was 9 years old and can you provide examples of your dealings with the spritual world?
Yeah this is all opinions seemingly formed in more modern times to coincide with evolution im talking about the actual words of the Quran and the bible not literally taking about days when it talks about the creation of the earth.
don't even try to debate that nazi scum, im not even religious like that lol.I'm dead serious.
We all have been bestowed different gifts.
Africans are physically gifted.
Europeans are intellectually gifted.
Yeah this is all opinions seemingly formed in more modern times to coincide with evolution im talking about the actual words of the Quran and the bible not literally taking about days when it talks about the creation of the earth.
We have built the heaven with (the power of Our) hands, and We are expanding (it)
(The Holy Qur’an, Surat Al-Dhariyat, Chapter 51, Verse 47).
Have not those who disbelieve seen (known) that the heavens and the Earth were of one connected entity, then We separated them (from each other), and We made every living thing out of water? Will they not then believe? (Al-Anbiya', 21: 30).
71.14. He has created you in diverse (and successive) stages.
6.2. He is Who has created you from clay, then he spent a term of time (away from you), and (it is) a specific term he determined. Yet, you doubt (his ability)!.
don't even try to debate that nazi scum, im not even religious like that lol.
Why are a large majority of the named prophets in the Koran of Jewish origin?
Are u interested in a real discussion or are you going to continue to be a childish imbecile?Is someone gonna answer this?