I've Been Studying The Bible, Qu'ran, Hadith And The Teachings Of Elijah Muhammad For 20 Years...AMA


The Goshfather
Jan 20, 2015
South Central Los Angeles So Wut U Wanna Do??
whats your favorite Bible Verse

whats your favorite Quranic verse
Don't really have favorite verses but if I had to pick the bible is Matthew 15:21-28 When The Christ denies healing a woman's daughter because she was not part of the chosen people that he came to save....so many meanings and truths in that story.
And there is nothing more beautiful than The Opening of the Qu'ran


The Goshfather
Jan 20, 2015
South Central Los Angeles So Wut U Wanna Do??
Forreal, tho, was Muhammed the real C? Was he just trolling when he prophesied another antichrist after himself?
This is something that confuses me, Masih ad-Dajjal has a distinct description, but Elijah Muhammad teaches that he has already revealed himself...yet no one has ever fit that description...there has to be more inf on it somewhere...so much to learn:blessed:


All Star
May 30, 2012
do you agree with the following text below

True occult philosophy believes the following:

1. The Messiah will return and gather His people, resurrect His dead from the grave.
2. The Messiah will depart with His people to a place close to the center of the galaxy.
3. Lucifer will resurrect his people and create his kingdom on earth which will last forever

NOTE: Lucifer believes he has legal domain over the souls which are deceived (true)... He wishes to be like God and have a kingdom where he can rule and be worshiped for eternity.

The Bible states the following:

1. The Messiah will return and gather His people, resurrect His dead from the grave.
2. The Messiah will kill everyone on earth with the "light of his coming" - satan will be bound for 1000 years because all people on the earth are dead.
3. The Messiah will resurrect the entire earth population: everyone that ever lived and was not taken in the first resurrection will live again. (this is the time of judgment) Lucifer will be loosed again because there are people alive on earth again. Lucifer will most likely claim that he had raised those people and gather them for the FINAL battle. Needless to say they will encamp around the Messiah's new city, and those who were deceived (yet again) will be destroyed, this time permanently.
4. God will destroy the heavens and the earth (physical and spiritual realms) effectively destroying all of the taint of the first creation.
5. God will create a new heaven and a new earth

This sounds way far out but there is a major revelation here that both the true occult and the Bible agree to although the mainstream occult denies: There is no afterlife, there is no eternal soul... that was satan's first lie: "you shall not surely die!"

The END a long ways off... but the Messiah is coming again soon, in the flesh, everyone on earth will see it, and then die. For 1000 years the earth will be vacant, the Messiah's people will be learning all of the mysteries of the history of the universe and preparing the infrastructure for the next resurrection and judgment. Judgment is not a bad thing at all! Those who accept the instruction from the Messiah and His people will be saved as well... those who never knew the truth and died will have a chance. You will meet your forefathers, and teach them everything you learned! Murderers will face those they have murdered, face to face, and learn forgiveness. The time of judgment will last a long time and I imagine there will be no death at this time, people will think they are immortal which will give satan the edge that he needs for his very last deception.