Don't know why he insists on damaging his legacy even further, when he gets humiliated here that will be 0 in like 5 fights and his last win would've been against Bonner. Signing that 10 fight deal was like the kiss of death to his career. I wonder if he's been bad with his money or is just greedyDamn, did not expect Silva to be the one to replace Jones
This sport is so crazy.
Anderson Silva v Cormier confirmed
I disagree, Jones isn't like one of these Brazilians that started when they were preteens and have been fighting all their lives. He is an Oreo that was too skinny and unathletic to cut it at football or basketball so opted to do wrestling. We know the story and he maximized on all the tools he was given in the end but he's a methodical fighter not an instinctual one, he strikes me as the type that needs to go over drills over and over.The OSP fight showed fighting is not natural to him and the time away really fukked up his rhythm. 2 years away will destroy himI'm not gonna kick a man when he's down. A part of me feels sorry for him but another part feels he's getting his rightful comeuppance. We've seen time and again athletes with immense talent throw it all away. I truly hope this is the thing that gets him on track. If he is banned for two years he needs to take that time to do some soul searching, and figure out if this is what he wants to do.
He's fortunate enough to still be at an age where he can come back and redeem himself.
the amount of money he receives means nothing in how he will be treated in history. Yes his legacy is cemented but no wins in 4 years (this oct) and 0 in the last 5 is embarrassing anyway you slice it. He is starting to come across like aAnderson doesn't lose in this one. He's probably getting a shytload of money and if he loses its to the best LHW in the UFC.