Tenchi Ryu
Ashtray B!tch
Gonna need some slugs to take his big ass down if he ever try to get ignantBrock is a suspected white supremacist

Gonna need some slugs to take his big ass down if he ever try to get ignantBrock is a suspected white supremacist
Nah he boys with Shelton BenjaminBrock is a suspected white supremacist
Are you a Mma fan ? Only bad fight was DC silvaYeah they tried to go the safe route by stacking this card hard with just names but it's proved to be an epic stinker
To his credit tho UFC Heavyweight division beenstatus for years.
Lesnar - " From one white boy to all nationalities...we gotta stick together "
Announcer - " That's a different Brock "
If your not throwing hands in your teens you'll never pick it up
This shyt is hot garbage
He didn't have hit near the end of his run either I am sure this excuse is his stomach is missing but we know it's cuz he's oldBrock looks much smoother standing but hes lost some of that power on his takedowns it seems
"One day at a time" = Cokeboy said get ur ass back in my ring
Stop hating .
hes a white boy
As I've said on a number of mediums Brock Lesnar is Yakub's greatest warrior.