Its time I end this console war... by DESTROYING all 3cepts with logic!!!

May 3, 2012
St louis
Court should be a damn mod.


Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Instead of destroying us, how about you destroy that used mattress and buy a new one. fukking loser

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
I get that it has its advantages, but at the end of the day people want the best gaming system. The power matters to. If you ask most if they would have sacrificed the entertainment shyt for a stronger gaming machine, the answer would be a resounding yes overall. The cheaper xbox one now is still being mollywhopped by the PS4 in sales. Even last year with all the price drops it was being outsold. Xbox only has clout in the states, it was never gonna outsell the PS4 regardless. While the gap may not have been as big as it is now (and growing), I do think the sales would have been closer with the PS4 being up by a few mill. Xbox is not a global brand, Playstation is and will always be.
You keep talking about shyt that has NOTHING to do with anything. You sound like a groupie that goes "My man made this much money, who cares if he treats me bad"
A girl who would say a comment like that, anyone would look at her like :huhldup:

You see bruh, once you stop talking about irrelevant shyt, all you got left is the systems.
Now, last gen the PS3 was better in YOUR EYES because of what? The Inferior GPU? Or the free crappy network?

Once again, Blu-ray, the mere fact it had one was enough for you to say it was the better system for 6/7/8yrs was it?
Now the Xbox KILLS the PS4 in that same department. And you say they didnt' focus on games even tho they have had more KILLER titles before, during, and in the future. Only title you can name right now is Uncharted 4 bruh.. Thats it. You contradict yourself just to kick it bruh, you don't gotta liiiiiiiiiie :ufdup:
PS4 titles are not vastly different, there are SLIGHTLY and that is not all titles.
And that will change, DX12/etc hasn't even been applied yet. So the gap grows smaller bruh
Your reasons for why the PS4 is the better system are blatant lies to YOURSELVES :wow:
We not dealing with a Red Dead Redemption or GhostBusters scenario where the 360version KILLS the PS3 version :stop:
Instead of destroying us, how about you destroy that used mattress and buy a new one. fukking loser
So I'm a loser while you was writing love letters to me at midnight on a friday night :laff:
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52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Yall should just chill on this whole "console war" nonsense. There really isn't a console war for these simple reasons.

1. The conditions for victory in such a competition are completely subjective. Best system for example or better games all subjective.
2. These companies can all have successful products without selling the most. Meaning who sells the most is pointless.
3. As a consumer you can own all the products if you so choose and If you do how is there a war between them?
4. Fanboys will never concede a point anyway they'll just continue to shout talking points and deny opposing ones as well as constructing faulty logical arguments that only are made to push said talking points.
5. There is no advantages for you as a consumer to be loyal to any of these brands anyway. Taking quality options away from yourself for the sake of brand loyalty to a company that won't give you anything in return is crazy.

An example of #4 is last generation the Wii sold the most. Selling the most in this generation is supposedly winning but in the last generation the Wii was dismissed by most fanboys and it's victory didn't count. Often you'd see them limit the argument to "HD" consoles. This generation people talk graphics specs but as I've always said if you care about game performance you're buying multi-platform games on a PC. Mention that and console only gamers get salty and try to act like that's not true. This doesn't even count the whole shipped vs sold argument or console makers bundling their sales of all platforms together when the numbers aren't favorable and electing not to do that when they are favorable. One in particular in a certain generation elected to lump all their sales together then in a subsequent generation intentionally elected not to do it anymore and the reverse is also true for their direct competitor.

All this stuff boils down to is a bunch of goalpost moving. It's all pointless. It's like arguing with Rush Limbaugh to get him to say Obama is an ok president. He'll never say it even if it is true.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
It's been over since launch :dead:
You know what is amazing to me. That people can say things on the internet, then others just repeat it like its fact. To say a console war is over at launch makes zero sense. None of these systems have hit their "stride" yet. You'd think this was the first time sony gamers experienced a new gen saying things like that.
Well kids, Xbox is the king of the NPD :umad:
Yall should just chill on this whole "console war" nonsense. There really isn't a console war for these simple reasons.

1. The conditions for victory in such a competition are completely subjective. Best system for example or better games all subjective.
2. These companies can all have successful products without selling the most. Meaning who sells the most is pointless.
3. As a consumer you can own all the products if you so choose and If you do how is there a war between them?
4. Fanboys will never concede a point anyway they'll just continue to shout talking points and deny opposing ones as well as constructing faulty logical arguments that only are made to push said talking points.
5. There is no advantages for you as a consumer to be loyal to any of these brands anyway. Taking quality options away from yourself for the sake of brand loyalty to a company that won't give you anything in return is crazy.

An example of #4 is last generation the Wii sold the most. Selling the most in this generation is supposedly winning but in the last generation the Wii was dismissed by most fanboys and it's victory didn't count. Often you'd see them limit the argument to "HD" consoles. This generation people talk graphics specs but as I've always said if you care about game performance you're buying multi-platform games on a PC. Mention that and console only gamers get salty and try to act like that's not true. This doesn't even count the whole shipped vs sold argument or console makers bundling their sales of all platforms together when the numbers aren't favorable and electing not to do that when they are favorable. One in particular in a certain generation elected to lump all their sales together then in a subsequent generation intentionally elected not to do it anymore and the reverse is also true for their direct competitor.

All this stuff boils down to is a bunch of goalpost moving. It's all pointless. It's like arguing with Rush Limbaugh to get him to say Obama is an ok president. He'll never say it even if it is true.
Yeah, but that is why I made this thread to destroy all the bullshyt nerds on the internet come up with. You included.
See, your first point. BULLshyt. The XB1 is the better system when it comes to everything outside of gaming.
A person with attention deficient disorder tuned out after that line :stop:
Its not a debate, its not something we can discuss on which system is more capable. Its the Xbox 100 times out of 100
Sorry, this fact makes your first point incorrect :ufdup:

Your 2nd point is correct :handshake:

Your 3rd point is retarded, just because you own all three doesn't mean there isn't a competition anymore.
The Wii for instance sold alot, but nobody gave a fukk about it. It failed for Nintendo as a company in the console business. It failed all the developers who tried to make games/money. It failed all the consumers who bought it and thought they would get more out of it. If Nintendo turned a profit, that doesn't erase the damage that has been done. Nintendo and console does not ring bells anymore.. competition goes on

Your 4th point is correct for fanboys, but if you were to call me a fanboy you would be incorrect.
I troll from time to time, but I am capable of speaking logically which this thread is all about. The PS4 having the slightest of margins in resolution has been astronomically overblown to justify the fact the PS4 does nothing better than the XB1. Nobody can name a single multiplat game that comes off as a different experience, because that game does not exist

5th point is correct for the most part, except there are benefits to being loyal to the BEST. What I mean is if you only can choose 1? Xbox would be the best route. Yeah, you won't get Persona 5 on day one, but only a handful of gamers like those types of games. Not the majority, most people never heard of Persona. If you in America? And you into American type games/etc? Xbox is your champion. If you into JRPG's and empty promises? Get a PS4


May 6, 2012
Yall should just chill on this whole "console war" nonsense. There really isn't a console war for these simple reasons.

1. The conditions for victory in such a competition are completely subjective. Best system for example or better games all subjective.
2. These companies can all have successful products without selling the most. Meaning who sells the most is pointless.
3. As a consumer you can own all the products if you so choose and If you do how is there a war between them?
4. Fanboys will never concede a point anyway they'll just continue to shout talking points and deny opposing ones as well as constructing faulty logical arguments that only are made to push said talking points.
5. There is no advantages for you as a consumer to be loyal to any of these brands anyway. Taking quality options away from yourself for the sake of brand loyalty to a company that won't give you anything in return is crazy.

An example of #4 is last generation the Wii sold the most. Selling the most in this generation is supposedly winning but in the last generation the Wii was dismissed by most fanboys and it's victory didn't count. Often you'd see them limit the argument to "HD" consoles. This generation people talk graphics specs but as I've always said if you care about game performance you're buying multi-platform games on a PC. Mention that and console only gamers get salty and try to act like that's not true. This doesn't even count the whole shipped vs sold argument or console makers bundling their sales of all platforms together when the numbers aren't favorable and electing not to do that when they are favorable. One in particular in a certain generation elected to lump all their sales together then in a subsequent generation intentionally elected not to do it anymore and the reverse is also true for their direct competitor.

All this stuff boils down to is a bunch of goalpost moving. It's all pointless. It's like arguing with Rush Limbaugh to get him to say Obama is an ok president. He'll never say it even if it is true.

Rozay Oro

2 Peter 3:9 if you don’t know God
Sep 9, 2013
Ps4 did do some bullshyt taken features away but x1 got booty exclusives