so barry zito from 2000-2001 has resurfaced 

I'm honestly starting to wonder if the AL had any competition this year...
This was a very mediocre year in baseball outside of SF and STL. And WASH, CIN, OAK, and DET to a degree.
I'm hoping this is gonna play out completely opposite of 06. Tigers get buzzsawed in game 1, then pitchers shut shyt down rest of series and the bats get hot. Yeah, that's exactly what's gonna happen.
DET does not belong there other than Miggy, Prince, Verlander, and AJax to an extent. They were very mediocre.
And to say that this was a mediocre baseball season is one the most of asinine things I've heard a sports fan say. This was one of the best baseball seasons in a long time.
I'm hoping this is gonna play out completely opposite of 06. Tigers get buzzsawed in game 1, then pitchers shut shyt down rest of series and the bats get hot. Yeah, that's exactly what's gonna happen.
real life uid;1948007]I'm at work can't watch I'm guessing he came in and shut it down for an inning or two like he been all post season.