They’ve been whitewashing history and even combining other “whites” into one.
It’s why all the racists love using Greek, Romans and Vikings as all one thing when most of these wouldn’t easily unify.
It’s a sickness and it’s mostly accepted version of history for many. Like non-cac countries see all the Hollywood propaganda and absorb it.
Then they marry FOB Asians. White supremacists are jokes. Nothing consistent about it and they distort history. Very easily dismantled.
Some insight - The Classics And Racism: How The Far Right Hijacked The Ancient World | HistoryExtra
It’s why all the racists love using Greek, Romans and Vikings as all one thing when most of these wouldn’t easily unify.
It’s a sickness and it’s mostly accepted version of history for many. Like non-cac countries see all the Hollywood propaganda and absorb it.
Then they marry FOB Asians. White supremacists are jokes. Nothing consistent about it and they distort history. Very easily dismantled.
Some insight - The Classics And Racism: How The Far Right Hijacked The Ancient World | HistoryExtra
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