Can one of ya point me to the right direction and tell which comic is good with FF

They always have been wack to me

like Jesus Christ’s why do you guys want them so bad
They need to take it back to the peak of the Lee/Kirby era with Galactus and the Surfer showing up, the Thing struggling with his identity, the FF meeting Black panther, and Doom stealing the power cosmic from the Silver Surfer.
Either that or take it to the John Byrne era of the 80s when the Avengers, Fantastic Four, Dr. Strange, etc. all teamed up to fight Galactus
The reason the F4 are so legendary is because the whole rest of their universe was built on the foundation that series started. That whole Marvel comicbook universe started with them before they came up with the rest of the characters.
They were the first superheroes to act like halfway regular people in an era where superheroes were always depicted as perfect paragons.
They brought in cosmic elements and weird science, that nobody had ever seen before in superhero comics. (like the Negative Zone)
They introduced GOATworthy characters like the Dr. Doom, Silver Surfer, Galactus, and the Black Panther himself.
The F4 changed the game. If that series hadn't taken off when it did, Spider-man/X-men/Avengers/Hulk, etc. would have never seen the light of day.
We take Reed and his friends for granted today just because EVERYBODY afterwards came through biting the formula that Lee and Kirby invented with the Fantastic Four.