That was that Baldomir fight and it was struggle boxing from top to bottom.between the arum and gbp eras with floyd.. he was hooked up i think wit goodsen tudor for that one fight... he used their licence and then jumped to gbp
i dont think it would be too hard to find a promoter who they can use his licence for a small fee...
the interesting thing here is the showtime part... who does espinoza loyalties lie with..
and to be honest... gbp has more name recongiztion than people would thiink.. they dont have to do anything crazy other than put out a few good fighters and keep it moving... the floyd /manny era is almost over.. so now all these rising starts the boxing game is up for grabs..
question will become also if floyds new venture with haymon will show any dividiends when floyd leaves... easy to be succesful when you have an anomonly like floyd making you money..
but you got guys like bronner at the helm.. those guys arent floyd.. they might be famous and bring in ratings but that only lasts as long as they keep winning.. bunch more bertos than thare are floyds out there...
People tend to dismiss how much work goes into putting on a quality fight card.