It's Going Down In Milwaukee Right Now: Milwaukee Heads Check In


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
This is why the movement is doomed to fail. This is the dumbass mindset right here. Picking on any white person is OK because there are white people who have done things wrong.


Ignorant as fukk. You're going to create more enemies than before.


Creating more enemies? What, Aliens gonna come down and hate black people next, cause that's all that's left. I'm to the point I only care about black people :yeshrug:

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Ignorant as fukk. You're going to create more enemies than before.
The "logic" of whiteness. The blame the victim mentality that somehow, somewhere, has the victim as the oppressor and paints the oppressors as victims, worthy of cruelty and mistreatment when they asked for none in the first place.

An article excerpt from Media Diversified.
By Media Diversified on March 2, 2015 • ( 9 Comments )
The Logic of Whiteness
by Ronald A. Kuykendall

The recent fatalities involving black men and white police have a long history, coupled with a pattern of government inaction and unwillingness to take action against white perpetrators and police abuse in cases of violence against African Americans. For example, the failure of conviction or prosecutorial indictment in the fatal incidents involving Trayvon Martin in Miami, Florida; Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri; 12-year-old Tamir Rice in Cleveland, Ohio; and Eric Garner in New York City. The government’s response, if there is a response, is usually the creation of a committee, commission, or task force to investigate and make recommendations or devise new guidelines that are typically not followed. In some cases funding is allocated for special training.

The decisions reached by the authorities surrounding these egregious racial incidents seem to defy logic. They underscore, once again, how little has changed in the relationship of African Americans to the legal system and to the police. These incidents usually generate rallies, marches, and protests and calls for a national dialogue or conversation on racial injustices. For a limited time there is a response from civic organizations, churches, colleges, and universities that sponsor community forums and panels. The fact that we keep having these racist incidents and then hearing about the necessity for dialogue is evidence of some of the complexities of structural racism, but also the limitations of reactive conversations.

The notion of a national dialogue, or any dialogue, for that matter, presumes that talking about an injustice will somehow clear up the misunderstandings, misperceptions, assumptions, ignorance, alienation, violence, and microaggressions affiliated with racism; that such a dialogue would be a transformative moment. But the idea that within the United States we could actually have a national dialogue on racism is not only illusory. It is a misunderstanding of how whiteness as a racialised identity and its consequences — racialisation and racism — reinforces, perpetuates, and maintains white privilege and the effects of that privilege: white hegemony and white supremacy.

The performance of whiteness, as an institutionalized structure and practice, limits the terms of social interaction and is predicated on the power to grant recognition and legitimacy. In other words, the performance of whiteness exercises the right to impose meaning, and world-view on the racialised other; and so, the performance of whiteness makes the issue of race and racism undiscussable. The very nature and logic of whiteness is antidialogical.

In using the term antidialogical, I am referencing the meaning of that word as used by Paulo Freire, in his Pedagogy of the Oppressed. In Pedagogy, Freire asserts that antidialogue is a relationship between self and other, which becomes, in the sense used by Jewish philosopher Martin Buber, an “I-It” relation. That is, self sees the other as an object to be dominated, and so the relationship becomes oppressive. To be antidialogical is to exist in a vertical relationship of dominance and subordination. Antidialogical activity impedes communication and reduces the other to the status of a thing. Antidialogue is a means of dominance which dispossesses the other of their testimony and their expressiveness. It is an indispensable tool in the preservation of dominance and oppression, and consequently the preservation of whiteness.

When you think about how the logic of whiteness is performed, that is, the reasoning upon which whiteness is predicated, what stands out is the justification on which whiteness rests: innocence. Whiteness, as a structurally infused practice expressed through racism, self-exonerates, and justifies hostility toward those categorized as inferior. As such, racism, as described by the Tunisian writer on race and colonization, Albert Memmi, is “a defense mechanism and an alibi” (160). It both protects the white perpetrator of racial aggression and hostility and rationalises the imposition of that aggression and hostility.

Consequently, as part of the logic of whiteness, there is the tendency to blame the victims for the crimes of their white oppressors. Hence, the white view of issues and tensions associated with racism focus on African American attitudes and conduct that need to change. Accordingly, whatever difficulties African Americans face are a consequence of their own attitudes and behavior, a failure to adapt to the demands and norms of the dominant white culture.

This blaming the victim argument, popularized in academia during the 1960s, locates racial inequality and African American social pathologies within abnormal or deviant African American cultural traits. These traits are seen as responsible for the development of attitudes and values that limit opportunities or prevent escape from poverty. Through racialisation, this “tangle of pathology” — drug addiction, crime, low educational achievement, and economic problems, reinforced by a weak family structure – is seen to perpetuate abnormal and deviant cultural traits. Thus, the biological referents of nineteenth century racism based on notions of genetic and biological difference have shifted. African American cultural adaptations, rather than racialised inequalities, are now more likely to be seen as responsible for social pathologies and injustices.
The Logic of Whiteness

You're the ignorant one to even manifest the thought that somehow a group fighting for basic human rights, privileges, and for justice to be done upon to them by paid public law officials , will create more enemies for black people than they already have accrued just for existing as the byproduct of global slavery and colonialization for half a millenia.

This subconscious racist element somehow has us believing black people aren't deserving of any semblance of humanity, therefore any fight for any should be met with resistance just to ease the collective white guilt of the populace and give a pass for systemic and structural white racism against blacks.
Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
On this day in 1908

Springfield race riot of 1908

The Springfield race riot of 1908 was a mass civil disturbance in Springfield, Illinois, United States on August 14 and 15, 1908, sparked by the arrest of twoAfrican Americans as suspects in violent crimes against whites. When a mob seeking to take the men for lynching discovered the sheriff had transferred them out of the city, it rioted in black neighborhoods. It killed black citizens on the street and destroyed businesses and homes.

By the end of the riot the next day, the governor had sent in thousands of militia to restore order. At least seven people died, and there was
US$200,000 in property damage, mostly to the black neighborhoods. This was one of the few riots of whites against blacks in 20th-century United States history in which more white deaths (five) were recorded than black (two).[citation needed] The riot was a factor in a biracial group forming the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), an organization to work to improve civil rights for blacks, and to educate all the populace and improve race relations.


On Saturday, July 4, 1908, a man broke into the home of Clergy Ballard, a white mining engineer. Ballard awoke and rose to investigate, finding a man standing near his daughter's bed. The intruder fled the house and Ballard gave chase. After Ballard caught up with the intruder, the man turned and attacked him, slashing Ballard's throat with a straight razor. Before dying on Sunday, Ballard identified his assailant as Joe James, a young black man new to town. White residents found James sleeping off a drunk night in the North End, a white working-class neighborhood, and beat him before police took him away. They arrested him, and locked him in the city jail. The press suggested that Ballard had saved his daughter from a sexual attack, which inflamed residents more.[4]

On August 14, the local Illinois State Journal newspaper reported that a white woman, Mabel Hallam, had allegedly been raped by a local black caretaker, George Richardson. Hallam, the 21-year-old wife of a well-known streetcar conductor, claimed that Richardson had assaulted her the night before. Police arrested Richardson and took him to the city jail.[2]


Later on August 14, a crowd of ethnic whites, mostly men, gathered in downtown Springfield, outraged that the two black men, James and Richardson, had allegedly committed brutal crimes against whites. The large crowd, by 7:30 pm numbering 5,000 to 10,000, went to the jail and demanded the release of the prisoners to them. Sheriff Charles Werner had already transferred the prisoners to safety in Bloomington 64 miles away, with the help of restaurant owner Harry Loper. Werner had been through a race riot in Cincinnati, Ohio and hoped to avoid another one.[5]

When the crowd learned that Loper had helped transfer the two black prisoners, men went to his restaurant for revenge. The sheriff sent about ten cavalry but forbade them to fire. The mob trashed Loper's fine restaurant, its elegant interior and all the furnishings, and overturned and burned his expensive automobile while he escaped. Told that the local authorities were overwhelmed, Governor Charles S. Deneen activated the state militia. At Loper's, a white workman of 18 was shot and died in the crush of the mob in the basement, the first casualty of the riot.[6]

The crowd began to attack black areas of the city, moving to the Levee (Seventh and Washington), a predominantly African-American business area. It included dives and saloons as well as more legitimate businesses. First the mob attacked the pawnshop of John Olberman, who was Jewish, and stole guns and ammunition. They destroyed a total of 35 other black-owned businesses, and shattered windows and storefronts all along Washington Street. They destroyed the saloons owned by two black business and political leaders, one active with the Republicans and the other with the Democrats. The blacks defended their businesses on Washington Street and three more white men were shot in the conflict; one died crushed by the mob, and two others died later of their wounds. Otherwise, half the reported casualties were from gunshots and a quarter from bricks, used both by defenders in the Levee and especially by the mob.[7]

The crowd moved on toward the Badlands, the heart of the black residential area. It was filled with substandard housing leased at high rates to them, but middle and upper-class people lived here, too. The mob burned black-owned homes in the Badlands, destroying a four-block area and doing much damage to neighboring streets.[8] They encountered Scott Burton, an African American who owned his barber shop and had only whites as clients. Burton defended his business by firing a warning shot; the mob killed him with return fire. They burned his shop and dragged his body to a nearby saloon, hanging it outside from a tree.[9]

By this time, an estimated 12,000 whites had gathered to watch the houses burn. When firefighters arrived, people in the crowd impeded their progress and cut their hoses. African-American citizens fled town, found refuge with sympathetic whites, or hid in the State Arsenal, where the militia protected them. The militia finally dispersed the crowd late that night after reinforcements arrived after 2 am.[10]

The next day, August 15, as thousands of black residents fled the city, another 5,000 militiamen arrived to keep the peace, although not early enough to save the second black victim of the mob, William Donnegan. Curiosity seekers and tourists who had read about the riots in the newspaper also came to the stricken city.[11] A new mob formed and approached the State Arsenal, where many black residents had taken refuge. When confronted by a militiaman, the crowd changed direction.

Several hundred men and boys went to the home of black resident William Donnegan, known for his marriage to Sarah Rudolph, an Irish-German woman about thirty years younger. He was recorded as 84 or 76 years old.[12] When Donnegan came outside after threats to burn his house, the mob captured him, cut his throat, and lynched him in a tree across the street, two blocks from the governor's office.[13] Sarah escaped with their infant daughter and was taken in by a neighbor.[12]


The militia quelled the riots on August 15, leaving 40 homes and 24 businesses in ruins, and seven people confirmed dead: two black men and five whites killed in the violence. Some of the white casualties were shot by blacks defending their homes and businesses. There were rumored to have been several more unreported deaths.

A grand jury brought 107 indictments against nearly 80 individuals who had allegedly participated in the riots (including four police officers), but only one man, a 20-year-old Russian Jewish vegetable peddler named Abraham Raymer, was convicted.His crime was stealing a saber from a guard. Raymer had previously been tried for the murder of William Donnegan, as he had been placed on the scene. He was acquitted of that and serious charges in two later trials, results that set the tone for the rest of the cases. There were a few misdemeanor pleas, but most of the perpetrators of the violence went free.[14]

Kate Howard, a white woman who had encouraged the early violence, committed suicide before facing charges against her. Mabel Hallam later admitted that her accusation of rape against George Richardson was false, and he was released from jail without incident.[15] She and her husband moved to Chicago. Later that year, Joe James was convicted of the murder of Ballard and hanged in the Sangamon County Jail on October 23, 1908.[16]

As a direct result of the Springfield race riot, African-American and white concerned citizens met in New York City to discuss solutions to racial problems in the U.S. They formed the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a national organization for civil rights, which was at first based in New York City. It superseded an earlier civil rights organization.[16]

Historian Carole Merritt says that the Springfield was the only 20th-century race riot of whites against blacks in the United States in which white deaths outnumbered those of blacks.[7][17] But in rioting in Washington, DC in July 1919, a total of 10 whites were killed versus 5 blacks.[18]

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
@Brady Hoke's Artery comment in a nutshell.

  • "Black people deserve racism and deserve to be targets for even trying to fight the forces trying to destroy them."
  • "Black people need to accept cruelty from white supremacy"
  • "Black peopel need to just lay down and die and get crushed by everyone and don't even need to be thinking about fighting back"/

Since I no longer have the patience to entertain your ignorant and understated prejudice I will just say too many people think like you and give racism a pass because you've been deeply conditioned to not see any humanity in black people at all.

Only citizens should fight for rights...right? Are African Americans NOT citizens of America? That's what I get from that sentence.
When police mistreat any other group, its wrong and needs to be corrected from any standpoint. When police mistreat black people, somehow they deserved it?
"Why do you exist to make me feel uncomfortable? Let's just destroy you and never have to think about it again! Why do you make me hate you?" pacifying white fear and allowing blacks to become victims of it's (in)security

There' is truly something wrong with you breh and I don't fukk with your kind.


Nov 2, 2013

Creating more enemies? What, Aliens gonna come down and hate black people next, cause that's all that's left. I'm to the point I only care about black people :yeshrug:

I'm sorry your experiences created this mindset and I can rationalize why you'd feel that way, but to pretend as if all white people are racist is just wrong and really not worth debating.


What isn't silly is to understand these types of "strategies" being employed will create a lot more enemies. If you think things like destroying communities, harming any white person you see, killing cops and so forth is going to be a means to an end... not quite sure you're going to achieve much.

The "logic" of whiteness. The blame the victim mentality that somehow, somewhere, has the victim as the oppressor and paints the oppressors as victims, worthy of cruelty and mistreatment when they asked for none in the first place.

An article excerpt from Media Diversified.

You're the ignorant one to even manifest the thought that somehow a group fighting for basic human rights, privileges, and for justice to be done upon to them by paid public law officials , will create more enemies for black people than they already have accrued just for existing as the byproduct of global slavery and colonialization for half a millenia.

This subconscious racist element somehow has us believing black people aren't deserving of any semblance of humanity, therefore any fight for any should be met with resistance just to ease the collective white guilt of the populace and give a pass for systemic and structural white racism against blacks.


Because a riot in response to a black man with a lengthy criminal record, who fled a traffic stop and wouldn't drop a weapon, so he was shot by a black cop, which involved targeting random white people for violence is somehow fighting for basic human rights, privileges and justice.

Get the fukk out of here.


Nov 2, 2013
@Brady Hoke's Artery comment in a nutshell.

  • "Black people deserve racism and deserve to be targets for even trying to fight the forces trying to destroy them."
  • "Black people need to accept cruelty from white supremacy"
  • "Black peopel need to just lay down and die and get crushed by everyone and don't even need to be thinking about fighting back"/

Since I no longer have the patience to entertain your ignorant and understated prejudice I will just say too many people think like you and give racism a pass because you've been deeply conditioned to not see any humanity in black people at all.

Only citizens should fight for rights...right? Are African Americans NOT citizens of America? That's what I get from that sentence.
When police mistreat any other group, its wrong and needs to be corrected from any standpoint. When police mistreat black people, somehow they deserved it?

There' is truly something wrong with you breh and I don't fukk with your kind.

You (wrongly) read a lot into things.


Of course black people should be treated equally under the law. Of course that doesn't happen.

But if you think these types of responses are going to be productive in the fight for justice, I don't know what to tell you.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
It was pretty bad in Pittsburgh last time I went to visit family and the Pittsburgh Police are notoriously racist. Mad black folks are unemployed there too.
Breh.. i was just home in june visiting my fam. Rode to the hood to visit my cousin. shyt was :mjcry:

All the brehs i know there are dying to leave. The hoods are :sadcam: i was telling them how it is in Jacksonville and they were :ohhh::gladbron: acting like it was some paradise.

Jax is def not that.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
It was pretty bad in Pittsburgh last time I went to visit family and the Pittsburgh Police are notoriously racist. Mad black folks are unemployed there too.
Yup...ppl are totally disfranchised in the rust belt, and most dobt even know it....they've been indoctrinated into believing that these conditions are normal


Nov 2, 2013
Breh.. i was just home in june visiting my fam. Rode to the hood to visit my cousin. shyt was :mjcry:

All the brehs i know there are dying to leave. The hoods are :sadcam: i was telling them how it is in Jacksonville and they were :ohhh::gladbron: acting like it was some paradise.

Jax is def not that.

Pittsburgh is a terrible mix of gangs with no shortage of heroin due to proximity between NY/NJ and Chicago, plus unemployed blue collar junkies who needed pain pill prescriptions for tough jobs that eventually turned into heroin addictions.

I used to live in Carrick.


Lived across the street from a junkie who used during pregnancy (and would pick up half smoked cigarette butts off the ground to smoke). Kid ended up born with serious heart problems. Parents 2 doors down both serious junkies that died and left 18 year old kid on his own, which became a gang/drug house and he later went to jail for robbery. Next door neighbor a junkie - rape, robbery, etc. Now in jail. Had a newborn at the time and eventually got the hell out of there because by summer, it was gun shots every night.

Just total hell on earth there.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
not seein it in Pittsburgh.. black folk will just get moved out further away from the city center or to inconvenient places :skip:
Roght now in Buffalo they're building Downton and pushing ppl out and Muslims are taking over certain parts on the Eastside...alotta blacks are getting stranded in the boonies smh with no resources

Just some section 8 to keep them pacified and trapped


May 15, 2014
These kids don't have nothing and nobody got answers....and their of being lied too, the youth ain't stupid

U can't bullshyt them like they were able to with us ppl....this country is a prison for black America

The difference there were government programs for us as a youth. All thta shyt been taken away.....we had jobs as kids ain't not jobs for these kids. shyt they parents can't get work.

Then they see a black president giving the illusion that everything is fair yet these kids and they parents been treated worse these 8 years society wise than the 8 years prior. Folks just feed up because they see that shyt isn't getting better and they don't see anything as a better tomorrow.

Basically what you are seeing is the 60s again on a lower scale.

It doesn't help that there is not an alternative group for them like the NOI and black panthers were for these kids like in the 60s. These groups were more for the radical kids whose mentality didn't fit with the different peaceful civil rights groups in the 60s.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
You (wrongly) read a lot into things.


Of course black people should be treated equally under the law. Of course that doesn't happen.

But if you think these types of responses are going to be productive in the fight for justice, I don't know what to tell you.
Okay, fair enough. But what's your solution. Black people in America have tried everything.

Try voting in local elections. Black people still get killed by police for nothing.
Vote in national elections. Black people still get killed by police for nothing.
Create city council meetings and have constant "dialogues" and townhalls. Black people still get killed by police for nothing.
Police pretend to care about the issue and say they are "investigating" or "leading an investigation" into the police department. Black people still get killed by police for nothing.
Protest. Black people still get killed by police for nothing.
Riot. Black people still get killed by police for nothing.
Practice group economics. Black people still get killed by police for nothing.
Pull up our pants, speak proper english and not hood talk, and get jobs in the system. Black peopel still get killed by police for nothing.
Stay inside. Black people still get killed by police for nothing.
Obey the law. Black people still get killed by police for nothing.

What more can I say? The desperation is palpable. AS long as we're living under the system of white supremacy we will continue to be it's victims and cannon fodder. Nothing short of leaving America for Africa can stop this.

It's almost as if they're just ramping up the forces to finally do us in. When they do these investigations, have all of the token black figureheads out to calm the crowds, they really create situations where blacks are put on further notice as dangerous and police allocate funds to increase training, create divisional units that hire former military, and other stuff to connotate that we're a threat that needs to be controlled instead of treating us with civility and as equals under protection of the state/national laws.

So this isn't a black people problem and never was. We don't control this system. A recent article said that it would take 228 years for black Americans to catch up with white wealth. So what money can we offer up to protect us in this capitalistic society that put us on the bottom?

There is more at play here than just cops and robbers...this is about the herders (police, justice system, govt, etc) controlling the cattle (us).

Bernie Madoff

Jun 23, 2012
Otisville, Federal Correctional Institution

seems like a nice guy, i just don't understand how something like this could happen... I'm so confused :/

People rioting over yet that fakkit george zimmerman still walking around the same florida neighborhood where he murdered Trayvon like it's nothing...