That promo was terrible. I wasn't fooled.
I understand you don't like Punk but how can you say that promo was terrible?
That promo was terrible. I wasn't fooled.
I understand you don't like Punk but how can you say that promo was terrible?
Cena's "notes on wrist" sonning had everybody in here proclaiming that feud was a work and people were holding back and all that even though that's how wrestling's always been
Read the post again, doesn't matter if it was good or bad. It got people so heated in the moment it made people declare that a fixed sport was, well fixed.
That's comedy at it's finest
Read the post again, doesn't matter if it was good or bad. It got people so heated in the moment it made them declare that a fixed sport was, well fixed.
That's comedy at it's finest
And yet, none of them did.
And until somebody says it was scripted word for word... then yeah, Punk gets all the credit for that.
Punk is the mixtape favorite who damn near everyone loved for years, until he went plat...
Honestly I like Punk but as of late (for the latter of a year) he has been cornier than a box of corn flakes.
I fukking loved this promo. I remember my boy who is a smark but thinks message boards are lame (I always told him that the TSC on SOHH was the truth, and he should check it out even just lurking) calling me up like "aye nikka did you see that shyt? OMG punk went in bruh, and that shyt was ether to the e"
When Punk is allowed to be C M fukking Punk, he is lethal, dope, crazy, gully, and insanely entertaining.
That was a $ + Buyrate promo he cut that night
Since then we didn't get anything that measures up to that brehz.
We got nice promos from D-Bry and even a slightly interesting promo from Big Johnny occasionally.
but yeah, it sucks to see a awesome promo/declaration mean absolutely nothing a year later.