Smh at white people putting this bullshyt on the level of Martin or Fresh Prince

no, i'm black and i don't like this showCan we dispel this shyt about black people not liking Seinfeld?
No you cant and your fat joke example is "ridiculous" a cop isnt going to execute a random person for being fat. There isnt media e-fit for fat ppl that has now become synonymous with crime. Faticism (if u can call it that) is essentially just name calling and if that fatso doesnt like it they can eat healthy and remove that weight in some cases. I dont remember anything like jim crow or slavery in fat ppls past thats still prevalent today and I dont know of any soap that can wash the black off a man/woman skin.... but it's a joke. if you can find humor in it then so can other people.
that's like saying only fat people can laugh at a fat joke.
all due respect you sound ridiculous.
no, i'm black and i don't like this show
No you cant and your fat joke example is "ridiculous" a cop isnt going to execute a random person for being fat.
You have a race thats been the perpetrators of inhumane acts throughout history
A joke cites one of the most infamous acts of barbarism and you sharing a likeness to the perpetrators dont see a problem with finding such a joke amusing?
Dude I can see what you are trying to do and it still falls flat not only for the reasons I stated but for the simple fact a fat individual can simply become slim & vice versa..Unless your name is micheal jackson you aint about to be white if you came into this world black its just not the same thing.To make some parallel between a physical condition and social construct isyour original argument was that white people shouldn't find humor in a joke if they can't relate to it, so by that logic someone who isn't fat shouldn't be able to find humor in a fat joke.
You asked a question and I am answering. The question here is irrelevant to the topic at do you. would it be okay if i held you accountable for the acts of other people as well?
I dont like the n word being thrown around but out of some misplaced sense of identity AAs have adopted the word into their lexicon, it is what it is. Getting angry is fruitless I just know those who use it are of a certain mentality. A lot of of the def jam alums usedif you find it so barbaric and cruel then perhaps you should be more angry at the person telling the joke in the first place. obviously it's not something you feel should be taken lightly.
And how exactly does this further the dialogue? we are having a debate where one side says comedy does have colour lines you disagree. We are bringing forward the facts, just because I am holding a mirror in your face and its ugly as hell dont come at me with that weak crapyou know you could have just said "i don't like white people" and kept it moving, and by the way i'm truly sorry to hear that.
but kill dat noize breh.
damn you're gay.are you gonna cry?
ahah hipster doofus.
...did anyone ever tell you that you look like sugar ray leonard???
If you don't think Seinfeld is one of the greatest it's because
1. You don't understand the humor
2. You have very limited life experience
3. You don't understand what quality writing is
4. You have no understanding about how important the chemistry between characters is
A lot of people are exposing themselves in here. Except for the people who mentioned Fresh Prince and Martin![]()