Is better than you...
100 all next week......Texas is fukking hot!!!
ill put an ice pack on my dikk, and u can stay cool on that
Didn't you just say you had a smelly penis due to an STD, Havoc?
No. No thank you.
Didn't you just say you had a smelly penis due to an STD, Havoc?
No. No thank you.
I was asking if it was a STD, nothing a lil axe spray can cover up baby
100 all next week......Texas is fukking hot!!!
FUUUUUUUCK breh ... we bout to go to hell
100 all next week......Texas is fukking hot!!!
I was asking if it was a STD, nothing a lil axe spray can't cover up baby
Nah, boo. That's not how the game works. Go see a doctor, I need for you to live a long and healthy life.
113 in az.
road my bike yesterday and felt like i was riding into a blow dryer