Women can be very manipulative at times. This whole video is gaslighting under the guise of a critique. "Full human experience" "True Connection" are all vague and subject to interpretation and I imagine changes from person to person. What might be a full human experience to me can be totally different to another person.
Also was being dishonest when she said he's viewing Ciara and other women as objects. Being concerned or interested in your partner's sexual history isn't a negative. Some people both men and women can't have a "Full human experience" or "True Connection" if their partner is sexually promiscuous, or even in the case of many black women if the dude you're interested has sex with other men that would be a turn off for a lot of people.
Also, Ciara isn't being objectified she's being judged by her character and the choices she made like most adults.
In that video, she talks about accepting people's flaws and harmless imperfections but really she's trying to indirectly say don't jduge me just accept my bullshyt. Accepting your "harmless imperfections" creates burdens on your partner.
"When you see Russel Wilson" it confuses you and enrages you."
No it doesn't most men don't even care besides cracking a few jokes.
The whole video is nothing but gaslighting.