It's to create the self-made prophecy of the biblical times of a Israel that will bring the Anti-Christ to Earth.
As far as Esoteric is concern there is symbolism behind it. Sounds crazy but anyone claiming to be "The Chosen People" got to have nuts written all over it. Plus since Israel is a Apartheid state, it's the perfect creation of White Supremacy on Planet Earth thanks to the racist politicians in Washington D.C.
The Old Testament\Hebrew Bible is pro-Jacobite\Israel and pro-Judah and should be examined as a propaganda. Its all about promoting prophecy and garnering the faith and belief of the indoctrinated peoples.
Israel actually wishes to bring the Christ back since the Christ, not Jesus, is the messiah (anointed one) and king of Israel. The Zionist messiah will re-institute Mosaic law, rebuild the temple and re-institute animal sacrifice there. The issue is Zionist doctrine was invented to promote the idea that the messiah must come from the House of David of the Tribe of Judah. They did this by attaching books of prophecy to the Mosaic Torah law. So to the Torah (meaning learning, instructions) they attached Nevi'im (meaning prophets) and Khetu'vim (meaning writings) which together form the TaNaKh which is almost the equivalent of what Christians call the Old Testament. The Zionist messiah will supposedly bring peace on earth.
The Vatican is actually the anti-christ entity as they have their own Zion atop a hill in Vatican (vaticinatio means prophesy, prediction in Latin ) City with the papacy functioning as a sort messianic throne and the college of cardinals as the controlling entity of the behind the "throne of Saint Peter."
sb: Catholicism (universal-ism) took different elements and mixed them together. They merged the divine birth cult of "Greece", with the Cult of Cybele (from Sibyls were oracles) aka Magna Mater (Great Mother, and mother of the Gods). The Vatican also uses the key of Cybele and the key of Janus as their symbols. Cybele the oracle, is also known as cardea meaning the hinge, and Ianuas means doors\gate in latin. These are the "keys to the kingdom" of referred to by Jesus in the NT, which are clearly tied to Paganism. So them being given unto "Peter" simply means that the Vatican is in possession of a sacred knowledge.
Also note that it was via the Torah (instructions) that the Rabbi (lord) and the lore-giver who was responsible to leading the Israelites into the wilderness from which they fulfilled the prophecy of usurping Hamitic Canaan, and subjugating or eradicating the Canaanites in accordance with the Israelite ideology put forth by Genesis 9:25: "And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren,"
Just some thoughts.