I got ya bruhI see this guy @Sccit wants my attention haha. Beyond this message I’m not going to waste my time engaging with you frankly because you’re a moron and you have no idea what you’re talking about. This is the one response you will get.
You should hope that your God doesn’t judge you harshly for disregarding the humanity of other human beings. You’re nothing. Less than nothing. Scum of the Earth. You are in fact exactly what you and your ilk believe Palestinians to be. Rats. Dirty. Conniving. Savage. Barbaric. Your existence is disgusting. And you have to look in the mirror everyday and try to justify yourself to yourself. Like Kendrick said, “fukk a rap battle, you have a long life battle with yourself.” I feel sorry for you. You and other Zionists will be the last one’s crying. You are already hated all over the world. You will have to hide your identity as a Zionist because your existence is so repugnant to the rest of us upstanding human beings that we are reviled by your presence. Israel is finished. You just don’t know it yet. And if the best you can do is chase me around a message board that signals to me exactly the kind of person you are. You are a loser and have too much cowardice to face the fact that maybe you have been wrong this whole time. When you reply, I won’t. I don’t spend time on folks I don’t respect. Yet, I don’t hope the worst for you. I don’t need to. Because the world will give you exactly what’s coming to you. Good luck breh as you one day are forced to wrangle with your guilt and misery when it really sinks in that how perfunctory you are deep in your soul.

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