Israel being Israel yet again


All Star
Jan 30, 2016
The Israel gov is paying trolls to spread propaganda online. There was a whole video about it. They are all over reddit and instagram spouting the same talking points of human shields and 'hamas was storing weapons in that building' but with social media being more popular than ever they are struggling to control the narrative.

By their logic if a kindergarten was taken over by armed gunmen the airforce should just level the entire building.

Also the corrupt Israeli gov allow hamas to be funded which gives them a reason to drop bombs, which in turn just creates more freedom fighters that join hamas:

Netanyahu: Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided
Dec 16, 2014
Was listening to a show today. Jewish reporter was saying how all this warfare is being used to test out new weapons. All of this is being video recorded. All the data and destruction. Later this year there is going to be a big weapons convention. All of the death will be shown on the big screens. Majority of the weapons the Israelis are using are made in the USA. Our secretary of defense worked for Raytheon. It’s known majority of US politicians have financial ties to military suppliers. US govt is allowing this to happen.


All Star
May 28, 2012
Palestinians are not exempt from criticism loser.

I never said they were, but you going on this unrelated tangent has no bearing on whether the actions of the Israeli government are just.

Even if every Palestinian hated all black people, that doesn't justify their treatment, and your implication that is does is an incredibly stupid ad hominem.

More than likely, there are many racist Palestinians AND there are many racist Israelis.

All things being equal, we should condemn BOTH the racism, AND the extremist views which have led to this quagmire in the region.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
Another oddity about his situation is Sunni vs Shia

The dominate or majority in each country.

Saudi Arabia = Sunni
Iran = Shai

That's why they don't like each other.

Yemen is 53% Sunni vs 45% Shia

That's why there has been a proxy war in the country for years (Saudi vs Iran funding both sides)

When Sadam Huessein was in power, the Sunni's controlled Iraq, and they had beef with Iran and was also why the U.S. tried but failed to float the idea of Iran and Iraq colluding to get nuclear weapons.

Jordan borders Israel and it's Sunni
Egypt = Sunni
Lebanon is about 50/50
Syria = Sunni
Libya = Sunni
United Arab Emirates = Sunni

I preface all of that by saying Palestine is a majority Sunni country and the only countries that have been consistently outspoken is Iran which is Shia and Turkey which is also mostly Sunni.

So it's a no brainer for all of those Sunni countries to simply wipe Israel off the map.



The U.S. has built up a permanent presence in the middle east that it would be impossible. never mind the billions in arms they supply Saudi Arabia (as well as other countries) or the billons of dollars in weaponry we give to Israel each year.

And I haven't even included Turkey which means the U.S. military literally has a shield around Israel. And can do whatever they want.

SO you might be asking, WHY hasn't any of those countries tried to bring it to IRAN? Iran has the 8th Largest military in the world. So All of those other countries in the region would get washed. They also control the Strait of Hormuz.

And Iran is also allies (somewhat) with China and Russia. And that's also why the U.S. has never tried to seriously go to war with Iran.

The U.S. is just to much to blame for what's going on as Israel. They supply the weapons. They gave them protection and they Israel can disrespect Sunni Muslims with no regrets.
Oct 25, 2014
Even if every Palestinian hated all black people, that doesn't justify their treatment, and your implication that is does is an incredibly stupid ad hominem.

I never said that, reading is fundamental. You seem to be haughty over something that I didn't even imply. You can't assume much over the internet. Please go touch some grass.
Apr 7, 2014
Almost all of what you wrote, on paper, is correct. However, the leaders/dictators/installed puppets by US do not reflect this. The leaders of Sunni islamic countries are not all practising islam, they are after their own interests.

There are many sects in Sunni Islam just as any religion. This is an arab issue, not a religious one. Like Saddam, they are fighting for nationalism so thats why many are staying out.

Iran is ruled by a practising leadership. They are serious about their religion as are Saudi, thus the proxy war. They have no alliance with the US, so yes they are not to play with. It is very tactical.

Yemen is ruled by shia but the population are civilians. They could be all shias and it wouldnt matter because dictatorships cannot be easily beaten. See Syria.

Now Qatar is involved so we will see

This humiliation will continue until arabs stop loving money and selling each other out. Nobody can help them but Allah.

Another oddity about his situation is Sunni vs Shia

The dominate or majority in each country.

Saudi Arabia = Sunni
Iran = Shai

That's why they don't like each other.

Yemen is 53% Sunni vs 45% Shia

That's why there has been a proxy war in the country for years (Saudi vs Iran funding both sides)

When Sadam Huessein was in power, the Sunni's controlled Iraq, and they had beef with Iran and was also why the U.S. tried but failed to float the idea of Iran and Iraq colluding to get nuclear weapons.

Jordan borders Israel and it's Sunni
Egypt = Sunni
Lebanon is about 50/50
Syria = Sunni
Libya = Sunni
United Arab Emirates = Sunni

I preface all of that by saying Palestine is a majority Sunni country and the only countries that have been consistently outspoken is Iran which is Shia and Turkey which is also mostly Sunni.

So it's a no brainer for all of those Sunni countries to simply wipe Israel off the map.



The U.S. has built up a permanent presence in the middle east that it would be impossible. never mind the billions in arms they supply Saudi Arabia (as well as other countries) or the billons of dollars in weaponry we give to Israel each year.

And I haven't even included Turkey which means the U.S. military literally has a shield around Israel. And can do whatever they want.

SO you might be asking, WHY hasn't any of those countries tried to bring it to IRAN? Iran has the 8th Largest military in the world. So All of those other countries in the region would get washed. They also control the Strait of Hormuz.

And Iran is also allies (somewhat) with China and Russia. And that's also why the U.S. has never tried to seriously go to war with Iran.

The U.S. is just to much to blame for what's going on as Israel. They supply the weapons. They gave them protection and they Israel can disrespect Sunni Muslims with no regrets.
Apr 7, 2014
Messenger of Allah said: "The nations are about to call each other and set upon you, just as diners set upon food." It was said: "Will it be because of our small number that day?" He said:

"Rather, on that day you will be many, but you will be like foam, like the foam on the river. And Allah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies and will throw wahn (weakness) into your hearts." Someone said: "O Messenger of Allah! What is wahn?" He said: "Love of the world and the hatred for death."
Sahih: Related by Abu Dawud (no. 4297), Ibn 'Asakirin in Tarikh Dimashq (2/97/8) and others. It was authenticated by Al-Albani in As-Sahihah (no. 958)

Real talk, Islam isn't for arabs but for the whole mankind. There is no oppression, racism or class system in Islam. They must return to Islam and repent.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Biden Is, and Always Has Been, a Champion of Zionism and Imperialism
Post on: May 13, 2021
Otto Fors

The Israeli state’s aggression and impunity would not be possible without long-standing, bipartisan U.S. support, including that of President Biden.


Photo: Debbie Hill/Reuters

Israeli aggression against occupied Palestine has once again boiled over into open conflict this past week. What started as Israeli police repressing demonstrators who were protesting the forced expulsion of several families in East Jerusalem has escalated to full-scale bombings in Gaza and the violent storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam. This is in addition to both the deadly vaccine imperialism that Israel has been practicing against Palestine and the constant occupation and subjugation of the Palestinian people and their land. In the current crisis, at least 53Palestinians have died, including 14 children, and over 300 have been injured. Amid this uncertainty, one thing is for sure: the bipartisan U.S. policy of ironclad support for Israeli aggression will continue unabated, led by Israel’s ally, President Joe Biden.

This latest aggression was triggered by protests in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah where six Palestinian families are facing imminent eviction to make room for Israeli settlers after years of legal proceedings. With Israeli police protection, these settlers have been brazenly terrorizing the Palestinian residents, who have lived in their homes since 1957. Protesters in East Jerusalem organized demonstrations and sit-ins in support of the families only to be met by brutal repression from Israeli forces who fired tear gas and rubber-coated bullets.

The repression escalated substantially last week, on the last Friday of Ramadan, when Israeli police violently repressed Palestinian worshippers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The worshippers and protesters valiantly faced off against the police to defend themselves against the repression. In the end, over 200 Palestinians were injured, sparking more protests in East Jerusalem and beyond. Residential buildings have been destroyed by bombs which were purchased directly with U.S. funds.

The current violence is far from an aberration: Israel is built on a policy of violent occupation, displacement, and dispossession of Palestinians. And it is no exaggeration to say that the Israeli state’s aggression and impunity would not be possible without long-standing, bipartisan U.S. support, including from President Biden.

Cumulatively, Israel has received over $100 billion from U.S. administrations since 1962, more military aid than any other country in the world has received from the United States. Israel currently receives $3.8 billion in military funding annually as part of a ten-year deal brokered by the Obama administration, with Biden playing a leading role in negotiations. The Israeli government can also count on the United States’ backing in the international arena: the U.S. has used its veto power at the UN Security Council at least 43 times on Israel-related resolutions since 1970. U.S. support and funding thus touches nearly all aspects of Israeli aggression, and the blood of dead Palestinians is on the United States’ hands.

Biden has been a pillar of U.S. support of the Zionist Israeli state. He has called U.S. backing for Israel “unshakable,” claims that “the United States will constantly and forever have Israel’s back,” and touts anextensive record of support for the Zionist State since the 1970s. In 2006, Biden acted as an international observer of the Gaza elections and denounced the results after Hamas won a resounding victory, saying that Palestine could not be trusted to hold fair elections; he subsequently signed onto a bill that called on the Bush administration to prohibit all international aid — not just from the United States — to the Palestinian Authority.

When Israel began its all-out bombing onslaught against Palestine and Lebanon later that year, Biden was an ardent champion of the military offensive, likening it to the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan. This support persisted when he was vice president during the major bloody Israeli attacks on Gaza in 2009, 2012, and 2014. In the infamous 2014 Operation Protective Edge, which caused the deaths of over 2,000 Palestinians, including more than 500 children, Biden and the Obama administration defendedIsrael’s actions.

You might be interested in: Joe Biden’s Arab-America Agenda Is an Insult to Arabs

The first months of his administration have predictably highlighted that Biden represents more of the same brutal policies of murder and dispossession for Palestinians. While he has departed from his Republican predecessor on a few issues related to Palestine, these departures are largely symbolic. Whereas Trump, a staunch ally of Prime Minister Netanyahu, cut hundreds of millions of dollars in funding from the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees and closed the office of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Washington, D.C., Biden has pledgedto restore the aid and reopen the office. The Biden administration also reversed Trump’s 2018 withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council, at the time a response to “chronic bias against Israel,” according to UN Ambassador Nikki Haley.

While they may come in response to changing public opinion from a growing sector of the Democratic Party’s base which is critical of the United States’ relationship to Israel and its violent occupation of Palestine, none of these actions mark a shift in U.S. support for the murderous state of Israel. They are an attempt to speak to sectors of the Democratic Party who are increasingly questioning Zionism and the United States’ support of Israel without making any real change. In fact, the U.S. is reportedly blocking the release of a UN Security Council statement calling for a ceasefire, and in a conversation with Prime Minister Netanyahu yesterday, Biden reaffirmed Israel’s “right to defend itself.”

Biden has continued several of Trump’s policies on Israel, and remains committed to maintaining the oppressive status quo. His administration has pledged to keep the U.S. embassy to Israel in Jerusalem, and expressed “concerns” over the International Criminal Court’s attempts to investigate Israeli war crimes in occupied Palestine. And despite increasing calls for conditions to be imposed on U.S. aid to Israel, Biden maintains $3.8 billion in annual military funding — the military funding currently being used to murder Palestinian children and destroy Palestinian neighborhoods. In fact, Biden may even help shore up bipartisan support for Israel by, in the words of former Anti-Defamation League president Abe Foxman, “mak[ing] sure Israel will not be politicized.” In other words, by distancing the issue from Trump and giving the appearance of sympathy for the humanitarian crisis in Palestine, Biden may be creating bipartisan stability to maintain the United States’ Zionist policies despite increasing resistance among Americans.

Biden’s own comments as vice president are instructive as to why the United States continues to actively aid and abet Israeli aggression and the oppression of Palestinians. At an event in 2013, Biden went as far as to say that, “If there were not an Israel, [the United States] would have to invent one to make sure our interests were preserved.”

Democrats and Republicans alike have championed the violent alliance between the United States and Israel because they have an interest in maintaining the latter as an imperialist enclave. U.S. administrations, including the current Biden administration, need a heavily armed, imperialist client state in order to maintain U.S. interests and hegemony in the region. Whether the current administration is red or blue, this fact will not change. There is no “lesser evil” for Palestine.

The lukewarm opposition of progressive Democrats like Bernie Sanders and the “Squad” to Israel’s crimes while essentially voting for the policies of the Democratic and Republican establishment is a slap in the face to the anti-Zionist folks who campaigned for Sanders. Both Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have voted in favor of funding for the Israeli state.

Joe Biden, and the Democratic Party he represents are imperialists. It’s clear in its interventions on behalf of Israel in Palestine and in its aid to the military of Colombia which is murdering protesters in the streets. They represent and govern the most powerful imperialist state in the world which cannot be “pushed to the left” in any substantive way on foreign policy matters. And that means continued U.S. aid to the murderous state of Israel, all the while the U.S. claims there is just no funding for healthcare or to produce vaccines for the world.

But all over the world, people are standing up in support of Palestine and organizing Free Palestine protests in solidarity with their struggle. In the U.S. dozens of cities held protests, signaling a shift: a new generation of anti-Zionists are standing up and taking the streets. And in Palestine, the heroic resistance of the Palestinian people continues, with their hands empty or at most armed with rocks, Palestinians are resisting the Zionist invasion and Israeli repression.

Imperialism is a bipartisan affair, and for Palestinians who are suffering under the boot of Israeli oppression, there is no lesser evil in the Biden administration. This is why we cannot support the imperialist Democratic party. We must be anti-imperialists, and demand the immediate end of all military aid to Israel and a free Palestine.

Biden Is, and Always Has Been, a Champion of Zionism and Imperialism