Okay but that's hardly a majority, and hardly a reason for you to engage in the vitriol you do towards arabs and muslims. You are trying to paint this picture where HL is overrun with posters who advocate black people uniting their struggle with those of middle eastern arab muslims which would therefore make your exaggerated rhetoric necessary...but that isn't the case, in fact, the opposite is more close to being true.
I don't have an issue with you not liking islam/muslims/arabs, I'm just saying that the manner in which you present your reason for holding those views is disingenuous. It's coming from a place that reeks of phoniness.
i dont think there is a majority of anything, you said there was nobody saying it, i just pointed out that there were plenty of people saying it or suggesting it, i just showed your statement was wrong by pointing out the posters that say it all the time and now you are moving the goal post to "majority"
Your name has a slave legacy too and you haven't given it up yet so you look pretty stupid lecturing others about the slave legacy behind their names. You aren't in any position to levy those kinds of criticisms, you are however free to make those observations of course, but you look stupid trying to hamper people about it. There are a whole lot of black people who have been muslim for generations, and they could take offense to the things you say here and therefore tune you out...that kind of makes all that pro black shyt you say on here irrelevant.
im not aware of me hampering anybody about it, i dont even know people's names, i just mentioned the issue in some larger discussion, but i wasnt going around saying having a arabic name is wrong, i was saying its silly and naive to go from a christian name to an arabic name and thinking its a step forward when its just a step sideways into another racist slave holding religion
what exactly do you mean i am not in a position to critique it? elijah muhammad made a deliberate attempt to align the black community with islam, and he also fabricated many things, that was a mistake, i am very much in a position to critique it
critiquing elijah muhammad doesnt make anybody irrelevant in fact there is a good video in HOK right now discussing, not NOI in particular, but islam in general
in an open intellectual environment anybody can get touched
Obama has been in office for 5 years now and nothing has really changed for Black Americans. Obama hasn't done anything help the black community in particular, in fact, he's done more for Jewish/Israeli/Homosexual/Feminist interests than Black American interests. If that is what you consider the "tip of the iceberg" for black dominance then I really don't know what to tell you. You don't have any grounds to talk about what's going to be different "20-30 years from now" based on what Obama has done for Black people so far.
again, this is another attempt to use your political views to say i am somehow contradicting myself
i dont give two fuks about the whole "what has obama done for black people" bit, obama is a liberal, im not liberal, i support obamacare, some of his education policies and his foreign policy, but aside from that im glad the republicans are blocking the democratic agenda, most of the things black leaders call the "black agenda" is just liberal gibberish
i voted for obama because he's black, period, having a black president is important for psychological and cultural reasons, and if rice or powell would have ran i would have supported them because they are black, period
dont confuse your politics with mines, im very satisfied with my support for obama, i got exactly what i wanted, my main demand for obama is that he do a decent job and look pretty, that's his role in terms of black history and the coming black domination, in my book his role is not to save the black race, he is simply a stepping stone for black people in the future
I'm talking about actualities, not potentialities. You're all about academics, right? should students be graded on their potential, or their actual achievements?
in this case its the same difference, black people control major cities in the US, and we haven't exploited that, black people have power, the wallowing in victimology rhetoric is part of the problem
How are those ties going to be forged though?
obama was just in africa a few months ago
and like i said obama has done a goof job in lybia, somalia, ivory coast and sudan and in creating an atmosphere were dictatorships are not viable or normal
What "potential" interests in Africa do you see that would benefit the United States that everybody has somehow missed except you?
i dont know where you get your news from but anybody that reads the international news would know china and the US are competing all over africa and the competition is heating up
How do you equate American domination with Black power?
because i see america as a stepping stone to increasing black power
So imperialism/colonialism isn't the reason why Africa is in the state that it is in? It's their own fault? That's a strange concept of Black power you have there friend
maybe you havent been paying attention to my various postings, but yeah to a large extent the state of africa is due to mistake that africans have made and its on africans to correct that, the key isnt anti imperialism or anti colonialism
What's in it for America to strengthen ties with places like Rwanda?
the same reason its important to strengthen ties with Czechoslovakia or Estonia, i dont see the point of your question, because its a country is the basic answer
I'm not into interventions, I'm more of an isolationist to be honest, I'm just trying to comprehend your logic.
im trying to comprehend your logic of bringing rwanda up, if you think the us should not have intervened then what is the point of bringing it up? i agree the us should have intervened, but that's because im an "imperialist"
i dont see how how rwanda contradicts anything ive said
What "brown people trap?" Most muslims on the planet are non-white, so what, why is that a problem?
its a problem when people suggest being non white makes you the natural ally of black people
If there was a prosperous African country that also happened to be Islamic would you support it or not?
what do you mean support? i support individual freedom and economic freedom, i would support any country or person regardless of race creed or religion that supports those things, whether they are poor or rich