ISIS (and related) "Official" Thread


Jul 17, 2013
Islamic State responded in a video to US President Barack Obama’s vow to “ultimately destroy” it, promising to kill any American ground forces deployed. The extremist group has gained recruits since Obama’s declaration, according to observers in Syria.

The 52-second clip, released late Tuesday as a preview for a longer video, uses quick edits and high-resolution images to depict besieged American soldiers in the field, President George W. Bush’s ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner drop on an aircraft carrier mere weeks after the US invaded Iraq in 2003, and the White House at night.

Obama can be heard in the background proclaiming, “American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq.” The screen goes dark, and what appears to be a militant prepares to kill men on their knees. The words “Flames of War” appear, as does the phrase “Fighting has just begun.” The clip ends with the text, “Coming Soon.”
The video has since been removed from YouTube. :damn:

edit: fox news link on facebook too theirs down too :wow:

Ritzy Sharon

Don't Make Me Pull The Oud Out
May 2, 2012
The mukhtar said, “In the past, they saw the relationship with Hezbollah as humiliating. Now, while they still ostensibly support the revolution, they acknowledge that were it not for Hezbollah’s intervention in Syria, ISIS would have come to them a long time ago.”

In turn, the LF veteran Matanius Nehme said, “ISIS will spare no one, be it a member of the SSNP, the LF, or a Muslim or a Christian. This is our village and we will die and be buried here in the northern Bekaa. We will not give it up to ISIS and the like.”

On a different note, al-Tom said, “The lies of the West no longer deceive Christians. They want to displace them from the east through ISIS, and destroy the social fabric in Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq.” Echoing al-Tom, the mukhtar said, “The Christians now understand the American-Zionist plan. We do not want to go to France. The guarantee for the survival of Christians in the Middle is the axis of the Resistance and the Lebanese army.”
Shortly before we go, Murad gives us the conclusion of our tour of al-Qaa and Ras Baalbek. He said, “In short, Christians in Mosul did not do anything. They just wanted to displace them. We in this region have never had even a ‘slap to the face.’ Of course, the army and the government are important, but now, our necks and Hezbollah’s neck are intertwined. If Hezbollah wins, we win, and if it is slaughtered we will be slaughtered with it.”’s-northern-bekaa-and-hezbollah-we-share-same-fate


Ritzy Sharon

Don't Make Me Pull The Oud Out
May 2, 2012
I have also wondered what the point in the victim reciting all that if he knew he would be beheaded? Do they think they would be forgiven?

perhaps he didn't know if they were going to go through with it.

if you're able to recite your "final words" from memory in a clear and calm voice while you're on your knees, hands tied behind your back, in the middle of the desert being shadowed by some menacing mutherfukker armed with knife, chances are you've been through this act before and you thought it was just another rehearsal.

I mean no offense breh, but it's easy to take that stance from the comfort of your computer chair. no matter how grim and hopeless their situation is, most people are going to comply with their captors on that slim chance they might see another day, while refusing an order is guaranteed death.
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Jul 17, 2013

:banderas:barack finna shut down the internet..


Jun 20, 2013
Great article written by an Iraq war vet now turned anti-war activist

Lots of soldiers could die in Iraq ..and not fighting Isis -

More major developments have set the stage for Washington’s plans in Iraq to spiral into bloody disaster, like the erroneously named “Operation: Iraqi Freedom.”

Since early June, when the self-described Islamic State launched its surprise offensive in Iraq, President Obama has repeated there will be “no boots on the ground” and that “American troops are not going to be fighting in Iraq again.”

Washington is asking us not to consider what has now snowballed to 2,000 U.S. Army Special Forces, Marines and pilots as combat troops, because these are the secret soldiers, the ones who operate in the shadows—the boots on the ground in covert combat operations from Africa to Asia.

Even if we buy their line that their “military advisers” don’t count as ground troops, Obama’s promise was contradicted on Sept. 16 by General Martin Dempsey, the highest military commander in the United States.

Dempsey said to the Senate Armed Services Committee that he would recommend the deployment of non-“advisor” U.S. combat troops if the current plan to “destroy ISIS” does not immediately succeed.

When asked by the Senate Committee if the U.S. military was “prepared to put boots on the ground,” he replied “yes.”

Obama has quite often acquiesced to the urgings of the right-wing militarists. U.S. military involvement has already escalated at an alarming pace since June. And there seems to be a great lack of confidence inside the U.S. political establishment and among U.S. allies that the Obama plan can succeed in destroying IS, especially in the short term.


Dempsey’s announcement came alongside a very significant warning from the Shiite militias in Iraq that inflicted heavy casualties on the U.S. military in 2011. Muqtada al-Sadr, commander of the Mahdi Army and leader of the Bloc of the Free (a major Shia political coalition), said that if U.S. ground troops were to come back to Iraq, their 500,000-strong force would start attacking them.

They likely would not be the only militias who fought against the U.S. occupation who would again return to combat if they saw U.S. soldiers return.
U.S. troops would not just be embroiled in a ground war with the highly-organized and well-funded Islamic State, flowing in endlessly from Syria, but would again be fighting the same Iraqi militias that played a major role in forcing the U.S. military out of Iraq just three years ago.

Despite the “just” rationales the politicians give for fighting the Islamic State, the very real possibility of regular Army troops heading back to Iraq would be an exact repeat of the Iraq war situation: a foreign occupation unwanted by the people of the country who wage a determined fight to drive it out.

If that happens, there is no telling how long the politicians will leave U.S. soldiers in Iraq to be killed, or how much they will increase the number of troops. If the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 13 years are any indication, they are not a fan of withdrawing, even when it is clear that they can have no military victory on the ground and U.S. soldiers are taking heavy casualties. They, in fact, have always reacted by sending “surges” of more American soldiers.


The U.S. military presence Iraq starting in 2003 led to an eight-year disaster that devastated the Iraqi people and led to the deaths of close to 5,000 American soldiers. More than 30,000 families in the United States were torn apart by watching their child, spouse, sibling or parent come home in a box, or come home maimed with life-changing wounds.

The Iraq war yielded well over 250,000 Traumatic Brain Injuries and 17,000 amputations for U.S. soldiers. Countless more have had to live with the daily struggle of the psychological wounds, which are claiming veterans’ lives in numbers comparable to the number of combat deaths.

In Iraq, there are five million children who became orphans during the war. That only scratches the surface of the suffering the U.S. war on Iraq caused innocent people.

U.S. service members, veterans and our families have suffered enough from the reckless decisions of the politicians and generals. We are all still trying to pick up the pieces from the last time we were carelessly tossed into Iraq.


Even the officials anxious to get the U.S. military back into Iraq, like Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, admit that the Islamic State poses no threat whatsoever to U.S. soil.

They only say they are a threat to so-called “American interests.” Most Americans do not own oil companies or banks, so the Americans they’re talking about who have actual interests in the region are infinitesimally small compared to our whole population.

The Iraqi people and the Syrian people are fighting to defeat IS in their own countries. It is their fight, not U.S. soldiers. The politicians want us to believe it’s our fight, because they have something to gain—using military force to reshape the region in the interests of the U.S. capitalist class.

Those Shiite militias who issued the threat to the U.S. military are engaged in heavy fighting with IS in Iraq, but are now under orders to abandon any battle with IS if they observe any “American advisers” participating.

Al-Sadr has been rallying for unity among Shiites and Sunnis to organize against IS. There are many other militia groups in Iraq that are now actively fighting IS—or that have the potential to join the fight against IS—who would undoubtedly take the same course as the Mahdi Army, and turn to fighting the re-occupation by the foreign military that has so recently decimated their country and killed around one million people.

The blood-drenched criminal legacy of the U.S. war in Iraq is so burned into the consciousness of the Iraqi people. Many ordinary unaffiliated Iraqis, too, would likely join the fight against U.S. occupying troops, just as they did before.

The White House and Pentagon, with the help of the U.S. media, is using the horror over the beheadings of American and British civilians to whip-up fear; but it was they who threatened, multiple times, the families of the hostages with criminal persecution of “supporting terrorism” if they raised money to pay the ransom IS was demanding.


The politicians in Washington and the officers in the Pentagon have proven completely willing to make us the sacrificial lambs of their debacled war strategies and hidden alterior motives. The past 13 years they have treated our lives, both sending us to war and when we get home, with the most callous disregard.

A conclusion that so many of us who were sent to the Iraq war have come to is that if we could turn back the hands of time, we would have refused the orders to go.

U.S. troops today should take that lesson to heart. It is not worth being the cannon fodder in another arrogance-driven military adventure in the Middle East.

U.S. troops can take their lives into their own hands, instead of leaving them in the hands of dishonest rich men who have done nothing but fail us our entire lives.

- Mike Prysner. Former U.S. Army Corporal; Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran turned anti-war organizer