Since I've read a lot on the whole ISIS situation, I thought I'd list a few of the things that have been helpful to me understanding the many aspects of this issue. These run the gamat from really serious to partially comedic, but they all provide helpful perspective.
The Onion's original 2003 pre-war prophecy of all of this
This war will destabilize the entire Mideast region and set off a global shockwave of terrorism
A pretty good summary of some of the most important ISIS shyt
9 questions about ISIS you were too embarrassed to ask
Wikipedia's ISIS page:
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
A history of ISIS's spread
How ISIS spread in the Middle East
The connection between the invasion of Iraq and the growth of ISIS
Did the Bush invasion of Iraq "create" ISIS?
How the current ISIS leadership was predominantly formed in American-run prisons
ISIS the inside story
More on that prison where ISIS leaders came together
Camp Bucca the US prison that became the birthplace of ISIS
What Saddam did to sort of set all this shyt up
The hidden hand behind the Islamic State militants? Saddam Hussein's
How the US-propped Iraqi president did his fair share to cause this shyt too
Sunnis on their treatment in Malaki's Iraq
Why Assad is heavily responsible for ISIS's growth and strength
The problem at the heart of ISIS
More about Assad having done some evil, evil shyt to make ISIS run
Suspects into collaborators: Assad and the Jihadists
Some observations about ISIS's propaganda magazine
7 things I learned reading every issue of ISIS's magazine
Why ISIS wants us to go to war with them, with information on how they recruit:
The War ISIS Wants
More on the connection between ground war and prophecy
US seeks to avoid ground war welcomed by Islamic State
Why ISIS wants us to hate Muslims and refugees
ISIS wants us to destroy the grey zone, here's how we defend it
The King of Jordan on ISIS and refugees
King Abdullah: ISIL "a war within Islam"
What happened when some Syrian Sunnis tried to revolt against ISIS
Syria tribal revolt against ISIS ignored, fueling resentment
Why some Iraqis fight for ISIS
What I discovered from interviewing ISIS prisoners
ISIS's attempts to win hearts and minds
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria has a consumer protection office
Hostage of ISIS says that bombing is the worst idea possible
Former ISIS hostage says that airstrikes are a trap
Former kidnapping victim of ISIS says that stability in the region is necessary to defeat them
What I learned about ISIS from being kidnapped by its predessor
Extensive piece on the practicals of how ISIS grew, and wants to grow
The Islamic State's strategy: lasting and expanding
The horrifically evil stuff ISIS does to minority women
ISIS enshrines a theology of rape
How ISIS exploits teenagers for its aims
ISIS recruits teenagers as suicide bombers
ISIS theology from the perspective of some "true believers"
What ISIS really wants 
Actual Muslim scholars telling the ISIS guys they're full of shyt
Muslim scholars make the theological case against the Islamic State
Some of the theological pull of ISIS
Lure of the Caliphate
Pull to ISIS is based on desires of youth and power, not theology
ISIS: a contrived ideology justifying barbarism and sexual control
More abou the people who go to fight for jihad
Foreign Fighters in Syria
How Iraqi intelligence officers are using their craft to make ISIS effective
Over 100 former Saddam Hussein-era officers make up ISIS leadership
More on that
Islamic State is led by over 100 former Iraqi officers
Internal documents show that the Baathists, not the religious nuts, may be running the whole show
Islamic State files show structure of Islamist terror group
More on the Sunni/Shi'i divide and what the Baathists want to do
ISIS forces that now control Ramadi are ex-Baathist Saddam loyalists
ISIS has very little popular support among Muslims
ISIS has almost no popular support in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, or Lebanon
Or in other Muslim countries
In nations with significant Muslim populations much distain for ISIS
How ISIS actually manages to sell its shlock to foriegn women
ISIS and women
Where the Islamic State's money comes from
How ISIS makes its money
The coalition against ISIS - including the Taliban and Hezbollah
The astonishing 54 countries and groups battling ISIS
Some failures of our military "victories" against ISIS
Lessons from the liberation of Sinjar
R's/D's following the same playbook
No Republican wants to admit it, but their strategy on ISIS is basically the same as Obama's
Some nonviolent ways to address the ISIS problem
65 religious leaders send open letter to President Obama
Some costs and benefits of various military strategies against ISIS
Weighing the military arguments
An argument that the best thing to do is to simply contain them
The best strategy against ISIS in Syria and Iraq: Containment