Is your diet really that great? Stop drinking pop and pizza pops after you smoked a gram from the bong bro. You need to eat every 4 hours. Lots of protein, TUNA, Oats, VEGGIES BRO.
get ur shyt together. eat a lot, 2x what you are eating right now.
Id suggest a shyt load of compound stuff if your only gunna do 3x a week.. you should only been in the gym for an hour at a time my man.
1)SQUATS + BENCH (flat, decline, and incline)
2) Military press, ABS, BICEP curls, TRICEP skull crushers
3) BACK DAY! Deadlifts, HEAVY ASS ROWS (with a barbell dont be a pu$sy). lots of cable work, traps (SHURGS).
stop being a biotch and hit the weights. if u wanna get strong and big you gotta lift heavy and EAT.