That extra something is "you dont like hhh". And thats fine but how anyone can say thoses arent A+ matches escapes me.
Before I respond to this, let me back up for a second and correct myself...
JUDGMENT DAY 2000 was when the overrated Iron Man match happened, Backlash had the good match between them. So I screwed up there. Still not a 5 Star Match, but that was good stuff.
Back to the comment at hand...
Yeah, I'm an avowed Hunter hater but I don't let that color my opinion of his matches. I try to look at those as objectively as possible. And in my opinion, he doesn't quite measure up. That's not to say that he hasn't done good things in ring and out of the ring (I think I've said that he's done fine work assembling the roster and reorganizing developmental into something decent from the shytshow that was FCW), just that he hasn't had any five star matches. You know who else hasn't had any five star matches that are actually people that I like? Let's take a looksee:
-Alberto Del Rio
-Dean Ambrose
-Dolph Ziggler
-Kofi Kingston
-Mark Henry
-Booker T
Just to name a few. As a matter of fact, most of those guys don't have match catalogues that match up to Hunter's. It isn't hate, just an observation of mine.
(Note: Of all the matches to mention, no one mentions Hunter/Benoit at No Mercy 2000? Excellent singles match, my personal favorite of Hunter's career. He was so damn good in that match playing the tweener to face role, and people were actually into it! To this day, I'll never get why Hunter didn't turn full anti-hero/face during that fall. Oh wait, that was when Stephanie got the book, wasn't it? Never mind...)