This is more of a sign of the europeanization of the black man in america.
OP is right,god was right when he said money is the root of all evil.
I don't think some of you will realize how important "getting to the bag" is to some black men nowadays. And not to be righteous with the money,but to live up to the european ideal of what "success" is. To basically assimilate and become the white man,some of us are getting desperate out there and it shows.
Had a coworker tell me he was thinking about doing web cam because he knows a girl that makes alot of money doing it. I told him women don't pay for that,so you realize it will be alot of gay men telling you what to do.
He said he didn't care as long as nobody is touching him
Then he kept naming different ammounts of money asking us if we would do it. The answer was still no,I advsed I'm not with that gay shyt for any type of money and he shouldn't be either. He got kind of tight,but he needed that shaming.
Tried to tell him about the stock market and he wasn't trying to hear a word of it,said its gambling