I can't stand Holder, but I like that Obama keeps him around. Its the only defiant thing Obama does. Everything else, he's quick to cave.
Look at D1ck Cheney still runninhis mouth? I know Obama could release some documents on the Bush admin that would have people calling for jail sentences. Reagan sold crack , release the docs Obama! I know its a paper trail.
Worst AG of all time.
Not surprised an uninformed lame like you says this. People like you are why HL is a joke. Holder has done more for black people than any AG before him. I can back that up with facts, clown.
Holder makes Ashcroft seem decent.
Man shut the fukk up. Eric Holder hasn't done anything but raid state-legal marijuana clinics, spy on journalists, and stretch legal draconian executive power to unprecedented levels, even vocally supporting drone bombing of citizens on American soil.
How much prosecutorial investigation has he launched into the systemic fraud on Wall Street? I'll wait.
Eric Holder can eat a dikk. We should've known how corrupt he was from the Mark Rich pardon. You and anyone else still supporting him is a clown.
I honestly cant decide whether to agree with you or not. Lets hear your argument though?
Breh, do you really want me to get started?
Under Holder:
Failure to prosecute torturers
Aiding Banks in stomping out Occupy Wall Street Movement
This AP story
Petitioning for White House to keep indefinite detention powers
Petitioning for the continuation of other Bush era unconstitutional powers
And the two most egregious:
Authoring the drone memos
saying corrupt banks were "Too big to prosecute"
You forgot Operation Fast and Furious
Keep reciting those right wing talking points.
Breh, do you really want me to get started?
Under Holder:
Failure to prosecute torturers
Aiding Banks in stomping out Occupy Wall Street Movement
This AP story
Petitioning for White House to keep indefinite detention powers
Petitioning for the continuation of other Bush era unconstitutional powers
And the two most egregious:
Authoring the drone memos
saying corrupt banks were "Too big to prosecute"
Is this not a manifestation of Obama policy decisions? Can a justice department really act independently of a president? He's awful but only a reflection of Obama being awful.