Why his name Beatrix?I'm the exact opposite. When it gets hot...I mean really hot, I can't help but get aroused. I don't know what it is. Its like the heat unleashes my inner freak! At that point, Beatrix has a mind of his own.
Why his name Beatrix?I'm the exact opposite. When it gets hot...I mean really hot, I can't help but get aroused. I don't know what it is. Its like the heat unleashes my inner freak! At that point, Beatrix has a mind of his own.
The thought of sex in hot and humid weather disgusts me. I don't like to be next to other people in the heat ethier. I think men in general get more horny during the summer cause of more eye candy (women wearing less).Not me, I don't want to be touched when it's extremely hot and humid. Was fukking Monday and they ac wasn't on because the storm caused a power outage. It took me completely out the moment.