No....every living being has One Conscience given by the Creative Source of All Things to all things Living. In others words it is the bedrock on which and from which life springs...
Known to Man as the Golden Rule :- do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Every man or woman interprets this rules first through the lens of his or her own persona mindset (or psychosis/neurosis) which is set within the bounds of his or her culture and traditions which itself is dictated by Morals and Ethics of the Time and Place within which he or she finds themselves.
I submit that all who murder, rape and commit theft knows on some level that it is wrong but justify there actions with reasons and arguments of various kinds.
The simply truth is that at no time during the Transatlantic Slave Trade, there was not voices crying out about the evils and wrongness of it all from the very quarters and beliefs system of those profiting from it....but the lust for power and riches won out for as long as it continued.
My point is that not everyone views right and wrong the same. Theres people that feel like "bad behavior" isnt justified and some believe that it is. Everyone has life because of the Creator, but not every is guided by the same inner voice i.e. conscience. To believe otherwise is to ignore whats happened historically and currently....
There are many facts and realities but only One Truth
Right and Wrong is based on time and place which leads to culture and perspective.....Truth is eternal and always the same wherever and whenever
History is perspective.
The Bible is Guide on how to Be(come) God
I agree that history is perspective. And the perspective of the Israelites in the old testament fits the perspective of blacks in the Americas and other places around the world. To say the "bible is a guide on how to become god" just shows that you havent read the old testament.
I am not sure to which group you are referring, but my guess it is to Black people. If so then what info are you referring to that is only necessary for the blacks and not important for others?
Things are the way they are.....that is the Truth
Fact is that Many reasons can be given as to why things are the way they are, what is important it seems is that they are not the way you and those who share your desires want them to be
Fact is that you do not see order, because you do not seeing what you think order should look like
WE are all of the Living...That is TRUTH
We are all human...that is fact
we are all of different races and or groups that is perspective/opinion.
In my response to the bible I left out two words like and more
Read the OT in the bible and it will tell you what information is only necessary for black people. As its information given to them to guide them through what they're going through today. More or less..
And fact is I dont see order because I see a group of cacs pretending to descend from a group of black people. The "religion from within" that you're espousing will never address that point which is why I'd say its irrelevant in regards to so called black people.