Except he was. Hall was good for his hey yo's and surveys been when it actually came to cutting a promo with different range Nash has him beat every time. Nash could be funny...could draw heat...could draw cheers...could do the "pipe bombs". He was much more 3 dimensional than Hall. The only time you could really say otherwise was when they were Razor and Diesel in the WWF.
Kevin Nash shoots on Goldberg [Nitro - 31st July 2000] - YouTube
Hall couldn't cut a promo wit that conviction.
Yea Nash was never as cool as Scott Hall, Hall had a natural knack for making simple gestures, phrases and expressions cool you can't teach that, but Hall was never as believable as Nash. Nash could cover the ranges in a promo from funny to furious easily.
I've always had more of a preference and a soft spot (pause) for Hall but Nash was for sure one of the better talents in the biz in 98. That's really not debatable even if you don't like the guy so someone preferring him wouldn't bother me
Just wish Hall wasn't such a dumbass about his vices through his prime, he had the tools to be in much higher historical standing