dude was drinking the Larry Merchant vodka mixed with Pat Summerall Bacardi
With 44 seconds, down 6: what are the odds of making a 47yd FG and then executing an onsides kick, completing a pass to get in FG range and kicking another FG...all with a kicker you just signed the same week?Does make sense tho
I sent a text to my boy (Balt fan) saying the same thing "This is why Billick is in the booth and not on your sideline..LOL"Even my wife looked at me and asked, "how does that work?" when he said that. You can see why he ain't coaching our team anymore.
LMAO I remember when i was at a Eagles game at the Vet Pat was in the booth and some dude kept talking about him being a drunk screaming at the booth and threw a beer in it
I remember Roger Craig broke a 80 yarder against the Vikings and mid run this niqqa threw in a drunk ass "turn it on roger." Me and my boy rewound that part of the tape a million times just dying!!!!Pat Summerall = THE GOAT
Drunk or sober, better than anybody in the booth right now
Theyre all better than chris meyers tho
Sent from Seattle, by way of Ann Arbor on Tapatalk: The Remix
I remember Roger Craig broke a 80 yarder against the Vikings and mid run this niqqa threw in a drunk ass "turn it on roger." Me and my boy rewound that part of the tape a million times just dying!!!!
VIDEO: Brian Billick Turned Seahawks-Falcons Playoff Game Into A Trainwreck - Business Insider
guess he said "you can think fg" i thought he said "you can fake fg" when i was watching it live. still everyone in the office had the "wtf: face for a good ten seconds after his comment
Who made the Billlick the number two crew. It usually be Moose and Goose, actually FOX best crew. Don't want intellectual crap on my dumb down savage football telecast.