can you at least agree that he put in some work in the gym though ?
You gotta respect his dedication.
He's not competing in a sport or anything competitve, and as long as he's keeping his long term health in mins I still salute that dude. Takes dedication to be and stay shredded on the juice because the upkeep is damn near if not more so difficult than being natty and staying in shape. Especially since you know he's not getting proper sleep. I know quite a few cats that stayed juiced and as soon as they laid off it they blew up quick. Like some of y'all have said roid usage is more common than you'd wanna think it is. Not to blow cats spots but I've got buddies I used to bounce with that are now cops and I know for absolute fact they are on dat dere with little to no worry of drug testing.
I can respect that...still fukk the sensu bean effect of steroids.
you do realize that even if you take steroids you have to still work hard to train right
Samoans and Africans are naturally large.
His family is full of diesel former wrestlers. So you know he has the genetics.
He eats 7k calories a day + creatine and 3 a day workouts.
I don't think it's so out of this world to think that he's natural.
To be real here...
There is no fukking purpose for this guy to be that big.
Especially when you know Fast & Furious 6 is going to have another scene where he fights Vin Diesel and the fight ends up being even.
Look at him at 40 and then in his 20's. You think he didn't take training serious back then, while being a pro wrestler? You probably believed that Barry Bonds wasn't juicing either.
didnt he get selected to play hercules?