Dementia reduces the ability to learn, reason, retain or recall past experience and there is also loss of patterns of thoughts, feelings and activities.
1) Learn! Progressive seem completely unable to learn, every social program that they fight for is for the most part bankrupt or going bankrupt, yet they keep pushing for not only to keep these toxic initiatives going but in fact expand them. How can anyone with half a brain want to expand something that is bankrupt or going bankrupt?
Also they claim to be for civil liberties yet they push for big govt. when it's big. govt. clamping on civil liberties.
2) Reason! It is impossible to reason with progressives, they will just call you a racist(i'm not white btw), homophobic or just shout an ad hominem at you only to avoid actually discussing the issue.
And no matter how many facts you throw at them, the back and forth becomes a vicious cycle of no progress.
It's like arguing with a brick wall!
3) Retain or Recall past experiences! From stimulus packages prolonging the great depression to them wanting more of them today to disarming the people during dictatorship to fighting for the same disarmament today.
Is that what the problem is?
Perhaps progressives have dementia, and instead of debating with them we should instead find a cure!
1) Learn! Progressive seem completely unable to learn, every social program that they fight for is for the most part bankrupt or going bankrupt, yet they keep pushing for not only to keep these toxic initiatives going but in fact expand them. How can anyone with half a brain want to expand something that is bankrupt or going bankrupt?
Also they claim to be for civil liberties yet they push for big govt. when it's big. govt. clamping on civil liberties.
2) Reason! It is impossible to reason with progressives, they will just call you a racist(i'm not white btw), homophobic or just shout an ad hominem at you only to avoid actually discussing the issue.
And no matter how many facts you throw at them, the back and forth becomes a vicious cycle of no progress.
It's like arguing with a brick wall!
3) Retain or Recall past experiences! From stimulus packages prolonging the great depression to them wanting more of them today to disarming the people during dictatorship to fighting for the same disarmament today.
Is that what the problem is?
Perhaps progressives have dementia, and instead of debating with them we should instead find a cure!