Dum Shiny
Yeah them liberal economics sure lead us to the recent recession huh
I think he's referring to liberalism (that is, neo-liberalism), the economic discipline, not American political liberalism.
To answer the question the OP posed, no. U-6 unemployment's still nearly double what it was before the economy tanked, and much of the stock market recovery is the result of the government pumping notes into the economy through Quantitative Easing allowing banks to clear debts and hoard an increasing amount of money. The vast majority of job increases come from short-term, low wage and, tenuous types of employment, and like others have noted, commodity prices are up (the speculation on the CME is both ridiculous AND underreported), and we're speeding headlong into a real estate crash in major economic centers on the coasts.
NO, the economy is in a dead zone right now, by design. And it doesn't seem like it's going to get better any time soon, because the ones who would benefit most from hoarding government money and keeping the economy depressed, while creating a general media illusion of slow recovery are making out huge right now. Thus, no one else really exists or matters (and if you don't believe me, watch how this Detroit bankruptcy plays out. If it's anything like what has been hinted at in statements by Kevin Orr, it's probably going to get ugly).