2012 Coli poster common list of replies and responses (posting to save time) and TL/DR
1. refer to male posters as “she”
2. refer to female posters as “he”
3. Refer to points (1 and 2) on repeat randomly when there is nothing better to comeback with
4. Tag or sub in other 2012-ers and others (usually 2012-2015) for support, usually from The Booth.
5. Delusion- make statements of how unbothered and unaffected by the comments you are but continue commenting in the thread
5a - Post how the “thread fails” but continue to comment for comment per the 2012 Code of Coli Conduct
6. Call other posters “losers and dumb”, while ignoring activity of the subject in the OP
7. Refer to points 1 and 2 again except (use “bro” and “tranny” interchangeably)
8. Deflect attention with a dictection photo