it is ultimately about white supremacy. the cultural and moral problems boils down to existing in generational poverty. its a culture that derived from being subjected to poor education, economic exclusion, broken homes, drugs and harmful government policies.
also, tariq does promote entrepreneurship. hell, he's starting a business that shoots micro loans to those interested in kicking off small businesses.
so what is constantly talking about white people going to do about that?
at some point you have to be accountable for what goes on...nobody else is going to hold your hand (not saying you per se, but people in general).
With the can learn anything you want. There are people all over the world making money on the internet w/ less than what the average poor American has.
So why aren't we talking about that? When I go to trade shows, work shops etc... I see a gang of Asian faces, and few black faces. Why? You can't blame that on white folks. Why aren't black folks talking about the opportunities out there?
Poor schooling? A good parent can cancel that out. There is a higher correlation to good academic when the parents are can't blame the schools for that.
Constantly talking, and blaming white people is giving up IMO...are we/you/me not smart enough to over come whatever you were handled?
Re loans: I see A LOT of black folks on the internet bring up how its hard to get loans for black businesses.
shyt, you can get a loan w/o even looking at another person (over the net).
All you need is either good credit, collateral, or a good business history.
Besides, most bushinesses don't even need that much money to get started.
You can save money from your job or a side hustle.