Why do yall keep saying she's white
she's biracial
This site is mostly white.
They don't know anything about black features.
I could see she was part black in the first picture.
Why do yall keep saying she's white
she's biracial
I wouldn't say all that, Lionel's high yellow. Sophia's 30% black at most. She's quadroon status.
yup. breeding out the blackness.
man if you don't get your troll ass all the way the fukk outta here.She looks black stupid. Her facial features clearly show black ancestry.
You mutuafukkas gotta be white to not be able to identify who our people are.
man if you don't get your troll ass all the way the fukk outta here.
"breeding out blackness" means when she produces a child with a white man like the one she's dating then blackness gone. that's the path the richies are on.So you're telling me if this girl walked up to you, you couldn't tell she's part black?
She clearly looks part black. Her facial features resemble that of her father. Her skin is just super light and she got straight hair. But her facial features show her African ancestry pretty clearly.
"breeding out blackness" means when she produces a child with a white man like the one she's dating then blackness gone. that's the path the richies are on.
you're just obsessed with trying to claim people like her as black because that's you. your parents coupling did a number on you.We not talking about her potential children with a white man. We're talking about her. And you made that post as if she wasn't a clearly identifiable black woman.
Nobody whose black who sees her in real life would think she was white. She has facial features similar to her father who is a light skin black man.
American Psycho? What does that weird white boy do for a living? If I ever have to speak with Kortney during a LIVE CALL situation, I'm gonna blaze her to oblivion for wasting her life with that loser. Lol.They look eerily alike in that pic. Scott has a type.
you're just obsessed with trying to claim people like her as black because that's you. your parents coupling did a number on you.
no wonder rachel dolezal could easily pull off her scam with people like you willing to stretch what's considered black.Trying to claim? No human can be claimed. You're acting like I'm making up the fact that her father is a well-known black man in America. And that she has clearly identifiable black features.
In the United States of America she's a black woman. PERIOD.