Get Randy they belt…Have Riddle win Money in the Bank… Riddle holds it for months… “I’ll never cash in on you Raaaandy”
Orton Wins a hard fought PPV… MSK comes outta no where N jumps an already tired N hurting Orton… Riddle comes out running to save his partner but Turns on RKBro.
Riddle is champ N has atomic heel heat he got two Flunkys who are easy af to hate … You can have Orton disappear for a while… comes back N you got yourself a white hot baby face RKO N a Wrestlemania Saturday Mainevent
Nobody is off the table when Jinder and Swagger are past champions
If RVD is World Champion material, then so is the MMA version of RVD.
RVD is one of the best of all time,Riddle isn't anything special
The Great Khali has been a world champion.