Yeah organized crime worked out so well for Columbia and Mexico right?
What a dumb ass thread.
What is politics breh? You ever feel kinda dumb and stupid when you listen to any politician talkin the same old talk about how its all about YOU, how he gonna make it better for YOU, how he needs YOU to vote so that HE can make it right?
You ever feel kinda dumb and stupid seeing those guys fly in private jets (taxpayer money), living in estates (taxpayer money), surrounded by top flight protocol and security (taxpayer money), spending millions on millions on propaganda for his own self (taxpayer money) and the most work you see him do is smile and shake hands after another long ass talk about YOU and all the plans he has to make YOU live a better life?
Organized crime never stopped to exist, bruh. These elections right now, that got all the blackies riled up for Obama and all the cacs riled up for yeee haw god bless hell yeah Romney? You think thats something else? You think thats politics?
One billion dollars to convince YOU GULLIBLE FOOLS just to "pick me, pick me, me, me!" ?
You gotta be out of your motherfukking mind.
Organized crimes runs the USA and the world. And if you feel like a regular smartypants trying to come up with that tired "well then tell me who would build the roads, who would keep us safe, are you saying we dont need government?" retard rhetoric...let me remind you on one little detail about the organized crime.
The Government as they elegantly call themselves (nice suits, big marketing, clean production, fancy lingo) is 100% entitled to;
- take 50% of the money YOU earned (you traded your time that you never get back for $)
- use your money to bailout private corporation - without your direct consent
- create more debt and spend it on dubious things (like, hm, what could it be, military-industrial complex?)
- racquet you with laws, regulations and basically make you submit and conform to their demands and conditions because why? because you voted for them.
Crime syndicates are at least on the same moral level as the government. Only a retarded moron would argue against that.
Yeah organized crime worked out so well for Columbia and Mexico right?
They appear to be doing ok, friend.
You are a fukking idiot.
You are a fukking idiot.