Is Noel Gugliemi the goat typecast actor?


Feb 20, 2017




Another typecast guy is Al Leong.

Among the characters he's played are Henchman, Chow's Henchman, Asian Looking Thug, Chinese Gunman #9, Chinese Warlord, Triad Member, Asian Thug Robber, Yakuza Assassin, and Genghis Khan

Al Leong - IMDb




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The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
i had to find an interview with his dude... someone had to have asked him about him always getting these roles

dude is italian but surprisingly says he wants to show that latino's can play different parts... very into god.. has 105 credits to his acting career... and knows most are easy roles that he don't even prep for

on a side note he has flipped that into a production company he started, so that's smart... seems like a cool dude tho

INTERVIEW W/ ACTOR NOEL G. – The Beautiful Evolution - didn't post the full interview

Hollywood is a place of many faces, many nameless streets, opening opportunities, and at times, becomes a dependence on everything but yourself, the more everything is offered to you. Over twenty year’s ago, a young Noel Gugliemi stepped in front of a camera for the very first time. What was a small role in a Taco Bell commercial would soon become a lengthy credited list of appearances in some of Hollywood’s biggest film’s to date, and honor Noel as one of the industries most sought out character actors. Noted for a distinctive tough guy look and charismatic comedic flare, the care free lifestyle he often portrayed on camera wasn’t too far off from his own personal life. As the years crept on by, the money came and went, the party lifestyle took prominence, his type-cast role was becoming unbreakable, and being more of a financial father then emotional one, Noel found himself in a dark place of regret and emptiness questioning if there ever was anyone behind this actor persona. In his most honest moment, he made more than a choice to just believe in God, he decided to walk with him for the rest of his life. Tonight, I present to you, The Return of Noel G.

  1. Here we are at the end of 2012, you have two movie’s out, “Kidnapped Souls”, where you play Detective Miller, and “Filly Brown”, playing Big Cee. These are character’s so different from your gang type-cast. Tell me about them.
Well, ‘Filly Brown” is about an artist trying to make it in the music scene, and “Kidnapped Souls” is more of a mystery-thriller. Big Cee is kind of like a P-Diddy character, a music producer, who can make or break your career in the industry. Detective Miller, I loved playing, because I got to show that Latino’s can play different part’s. They were good break out character roles for me.

  1. Overlooking your IMDB, knowing not everything is always posted on there, you are at over 105 credits to TV & Film. You’ve worked along side of some well known names in the history of cinema, played various roles, so I got to ask, is your career all a blur to you or do you feel like it’s evolving?
It’s been cool, because I’m getting more and more part’s in bigger movie’s, like Dark Knight Rises, and I’m getting police roles in movie’s like Snap with Nikki Reed from Twilight, and not confirmed as of yet, but I (maybe) even playing a police officer on the T.V. show Southland. (laughs), I was a gangster character and now I am getting some police officer roles, so I think I’m evolving. I don’t look at my career as a blur, after over twenty year’s it’s just a job to me. When I first started out I was like “oh my God I’m working with such and such”, but as time goes on you become more focused on your own career and what you want to do with it.

  1. Outside of acting, you spend a lot of your time preaching the word of God. having met you several years ago, this was not the case, not even a thought in your mind. What happened?
That’s a long answer, a lot of conversation, but to some it up.. I got to a part of my life, I wasn’t happy, just different things that go on with partying, waking up with the same problems. I had a friend of mine who was ministering the word of God to me. He’s in the business, he’s a producer in Hollywood. It was funny, because he was positive, and he was still struggling to pay his rent, wasn’t driving the fanciest car, he was just coming up in the game. I was financially cool at the time. A lot of people can be financially cool, look good on the outside but be torn up on the inside. So long story short, he just kept on ministering the word of God to me, and I just started to read the bible, listening to him, praying more, and I can honestly tell you I ended up having a true experience. The Bible says, that if you earnestly seek him, he will reveal himself to you. So if you really put your heart into it, you’ll know that God is real. I was always a believer, no a doer. I just decided enough was enough, I wanted to be a doer. The more I started to pursue God, the more blessings came in. People I was trying to get on the phone that wouldn’t give me time of day now were, I wasn’t looked at as the drinking partner anymore, I was looked at as the guy with his head on straight. I used to think that making connections meant going out to drink and party with people, but I realized that people don’t respect you for that. Are you going to share your personal problems with drinking buddy or someone whose life is right because of the way their living. There was a lot of things I had to sacrifice and give up to do this.

  1. You get a lot of brief parts on camera, do you prep for your roles?
I’ve never had a part where it was that intense. If that ever happened, the studio pays for that. That means, for example if it was to be a football player and they looked and said well you have a belly, they’d train you for 6 months to make sure you get there.