shyt is so 3rd world. Mob Justice is dumbest form of vigilantism ever. There isn't any actual justice involved just senseless violence. the fact there's a culture surrounded by it is disgusting.
Is Mob Justice In Uganda and other African countries the wrong way to deal with thieves?So what you think?
It was one of these types of videos that let me know for sure that the Internet had ruined me.. I watched a whole 20 plus minutes of two men and a woman being beat, hacked and set on fire with tires. And my face was
Why do they use tires to bun people alive in Africa?
I also seen those videos before like.
It happens in the US too...
Tires catch on fire quickly
Don't you guys talk about killing someone that violates someone you love? What you would do if someone did this or that to someone you care about. The difference is here, the white man will put both of you in prison