Is Kamala Harris Black : LETS SETTLE THIS NOW !

Is Kamala Black

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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
I never seen this breakdown tho fam good looking


In 1641, Massachusetts became the first colony to authorize slavery through enacted law

In 1654, John Casor, a black indentured servant in colonial Virginia, was the first man to be declared a slave in a civil case

During most of the British colonial period, slavery existed in all the colonies. In 1703, more than 42 percent of New York City households held slaves

In South Carolina in 1720, about 65% of the population consisted of enslaved people

In 1735, the Georgia Trustees enacted a law to prohibit slavery in the new colony.

In most regions, during the colonial period when Africans were adapting their cultural patterns to the new environment, they like other people coming to America before 1750 were less likely to be of diverse origins (Eltis et al 2001; Walsh 2001). However, over time people from different regions of Africa arrived, which resulted in the mixing of peoples. Based upon these findings as well as recent archeology of African American sites from the colonial period, historical interpretations of colonial life among Africans need to revisit notions of Africans being unable to communicate with one another, or being randomly distributed in the colonies
NPS Ethnography: African American Heritage & Ethnography

The United States Constitution, adopted in 1787, prevented Congress from completely banning the importation of slaves until 1808, although Congress regulated it in the Slave Trade Act of 1794, and in subsequent Acts in 1800 and 1803.[60] After the Revolution, numerous states individually passed laws against importing slaves. By contrast, the states of Georgia and South Carolina reopened their trade due to demand by their upland planters, who were developing new cotton plantations: Georgia from 1800 until December 31, 1807, and South Carolina from 1804. In that period, Charleston traders imported about 75,000 slaves, more than were brought to South Carolina in the 75 years before the Revolution.[106] Approximately 30,000 were imported to Georgia.


These Maps Reveal How Slavery Expanded Across the United States | History | Smithsonian Magazine

250,000 new slaves arrived in the United States from 1787 to 1808, a number equal to the entire slave importation of the colonial period.

Throughout the 18th century, approximately three quarters of the Africans arriving in the Upper Chesapeake as well as in the region around the lower James River came from the upper parts of the West African coast, from Senagambia on the north to the Windward and Gold Coasts, an area which included present day Senegal down along the coast ending in the area of present day Ghana (Walsh 2001:31). Most Africans arrived in the lower James area by way of the intra-Atlantic coastal slave trade from the West Indies, which probably accounts for ethnic diversity of Africans enslaved there.

Tobacco Plantations (established in the 1600's)
Rice Plantations (established in the 1700's)
Indigo Plantations (established in the 1700's)
Cotton Plantations (established in the 1800's)
Sugar Plantations (established in the 1800's)

Fewer than 350,000 enslaved people were imported into the Thirteen Colonies and the U.S, constituting less than 5% of all slaves imported from Africa.


cotton was not grown on Southern plantations until 1793

So the large importation of Angolans where late in the 17th Century to lower South Carolina & Georgia, because of King Cotton. This is already late in the game to have a "large affect" on established African American slaves and culture. Slavery would end only 70 years later.

The number of enslaved people in the US grew rapidly, reaching 4 million by the 1860 Census. From 1770 until 1860, the rate of natural growth of North American enslaved people was much greater than for the population of any nation in Europe, and it was nearly twice as rapid as that of England

In 1763 when France ceded Louisiana to the Spanish there were 46,000 African people enslaved there as compared to 36,500 free persons, mostly white (Hall: 1992:29–55). Most of these Africans came from points north of the Windward Coast and many had originally disembarked in St. Domingue (Hall, 1992). As high as these population data seem, the majority of all Africans imported in North America during the colonial period were enslaved in the Chesapeake and Low Country regions. Read more about people enslaved in French America. North of the Windward Coast is in the general area of the Sahel.
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