yeah, like Tim Hardaway.
oh wait.
I think Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf not standing for the National Anthem was a bigger "troll" in that first he refused to stand, got suspeneded came back and stood but just didn't acknowledge the flag which made people angrier, then he started praying during the anthem which really set people into a rage.
John Rocker made bigoted comments which athletes still do except the apology or statement is usually the next day or two and it's somewhat forgotten. I hate to call this a double standard because it obviously goes much deeper than that, but to a degree John was a victim of that racial pass minorities get for making racial slurs or comments.
yeah, like Tim Hardaway.
oh wait.
I think Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf not standing for the National Anthem was a bigger "troll" in that first he refused to stand, got suspeneded came back and stood but just didn't acknowledge the flag which made people angrier, then he started praying during the anthem which really set people into a rage.
John Rocker made bigoted comments which athletes still do except the apology or statement is usually the next day or two and it's somewhat forgotten. I hate to call this a double standard because it obviously goes much deeper than that, but to a degree John was a victim of that racial pass minorities get for making racial slurs or comments.
dude just told the truth really
We need Conz in here.
He wrote dude a trolling letter in response to that "Speak English" movement or whatever the fukk it is...and Rocker sent him a signed baseball in return
or Jesse Jacksonor Reggie White